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Is your status update also a red flag for danger?

In this digital age when our whole lives are online, it is no surprise that security has become an increasing concern of many. Whilst you’re busy worrying about your …

USB “condom” protects from mobile device juice jacking

A group of Georgia Tech researchers has created quite a stir at this year’s Black Hat conference when they showcased chargers capable of installing malware on iPhones, …

Mobile Pwn2Own: $300k prize pool awaits successful contestants

The next Mobile Pwn2own competition is to be held in November at the PacSec Applied Security Conference in Tokyo, and contestants can earn as much as $100,000 for a successful …

Security heavyweights to keynote HITB conference in Malaysia

This October, both Chief Security Officers of Akamai and Facebook will be in Kuala Lumpur to deliver their Day 1 and Day 2 keynote talks at HITBSecConf 2014 (October 16th and …

Training: The Art of Exploiting Injection Flaws

HITBSecConf 2013 Malaysia will host the widely acclaimed course The Art of exploiting Injection Flaws in Kuala Lumpur on 14 and 15 October 2013. This hands-on session will …

First Round of HITBSecConf Kuala Lumpur speakers announced

Here’s a taste of some presentations you can expect at HITBSecConf Malaysia in October. You can register here. Conference speakers Collin Mulliner (Researcher, Systems …

Defending against the BREACH attack

When Juliano and Thai disclosed the CRIME attack last year, it was clear that the same attack technique could be applied to any other compressed data, and compressed response …

Experienced employees more important than a rising security budget

Tripwire announced the results of a survey of 167 attendees at Black Hat USA 2013. Many of those surveyed – 44 percent – said that if they could change one thing …

Researchers create DIY IDS for identifying hacked smartphones

A group of researchers from LMG Security has leveraged a Verizon Samsung femtocell – a small cellular station for extending cell phone coverage range indoors or at the …

Decoy water plant attracts hackers, Chinese APT1 crew

A Trend Micro researcher that has lately concentrated on finding out just how often industrial control systems are attacked and from where has shared the latest findings of …

Engineers demonstrate PLC hack on mock oil rig

The widely known Stuxnet incident made sure that the mere mention of SCADA vulnerabilities is enough for security experts to pause. After all, sabotaging industrial control …

Techniques malware authors use to evade detection

FireEye released a new report that reveals several techniques used by advanced malware to sidestep signature-based defenses during attacks. Today’s sophisticated, …

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