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TrustyCon talks made available on video

As announced, the TrustyCon infosec conference, established by security consulting firm iSEC Partners, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and DEF CON and held …

One of the first network firewall inventors to come to Abu Dhabi

One of the creators of the world’s first network firewall and the author of “Firewall and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker”, Bill Cheswick, will …

$2.7 million await successful Pwnium 4 contestants

Google has, once again, called security researchers to participate in its annual Pwnium contest scheduled to be held at the CanSecWest security conference in Vancouver in …

Speakers boycotting RSA Conference will speak at TrustyCon

Security consulting firm iSEC Partners, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and DEF CON have announce that they will be kicking off a brand-new security technology …

An introduction to firmware analysis

This talk by Stefan Widmann gives an introduction to firmware analysis: It starts with how to retrieve the binary, e.g. get a plain file from manufacturer, extract it from an …

The basics of digital wireless communication

The aim of this talk by Clemens Hopfer from the 30th Chaos Communication Congress is to give an understandable insight into wireless communication, using existing systems as …

Triggering deep vulnerabilities using symbolic execution

Symbolic Execution (SE) is a powerful way to analyze programs. Instead of using concrete data values SE uses symbolic values to evaluate a large set of parallel program paths …

Researchers demonstrate SD memory card hacking

Security researchers Andrew “bunnie” Huang and Sean “xobs” Cross have demonstrated that the only way to be absolutely sure that no one will be able to …

Useful password hashing: How to waste computing cycles with style

Password-based authentication is widely used today, despite problems with security and usability. To control the negative effects of some of these problems, best practice …

Authentication using visual codes: what can go wrong

Several password replacement schemes have been suggested that use a visual code to log in. However the visual code can often be relayed, which opens up a major vulnerability. …

Building an OATH-compliant authentication server for less than $100

Using a Raspberry Pi nanocomputer and the multiOTP open source library, André Liechti showcases how to how to create an OATH-compliant authentication server at PasswordsCon …

Tales of passwords, cyber-criminals and daily used devices

Specific embedded devices are targeted by criminals in order to gain access or utilize for further attacks. Modems are attacked to change DNS-servers for advertising or …

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