New data encryption platform
CertiVox unveiled its PrivateSky Secure Information Exchange (SIX) platform. The service provides protection for email, files and other information sent via the cloud, through …
Qualys expands its FreeScan service
Qualys announced its new and improved FreeScan service to help SMBs audit and protect their web sites from security vulnerabilities and malware infections. The new FreeScan …
PCI pitfalls for retailers
Businesses that process, transmit or store cardholder data must implement security controls as defined by the latest PCI DSS standard. The following are the nine common PCI …
Intelligent information governance from Symantec
In order to enable organizations to better protect their information, establish retention policies and streamline their eDiscovery process, Symantec announced its plans for …
Oracle Database Firewall extends support to MySQL
In an effort to assist organizations further prevent internal and external attacks from reaching their enterprise databases, Oracle released its Database Firewall which …
A look ahead at healthcare law, privacy and security
Hospitals and healthcare organizations will need more than a couple of aspirin to ready themselves for 2012. Industry experts representing healthcare law, privacy, security, …
Need for integrated approach to security in industrial control systems
New Pike Research examines the changing dynamics in the automation systems market, including technology, regulatory and business trends. It also shows how these market …
Challenges facing critical infrastructure operators
While critical infrastructure operators hold great responsibility for managing security, compliance and operations, many struggle to balance the resources required for each of …
Security behavior and buying trends for 2012
PCI data security standards may be a hot topic, but a recent survey by Gartner found that 18 percent of respondents admitted to not being PCI-compliant, even though the survey …
Users go to extreme measures for Internet access
Seven out of 10 young employees frequently ignore IT policies, and one in four is a victim of identity theft before the age of 30, according to a global study from Cisco. The …
Syncplicity launches Security and Compliance Console
With Syncplicity, users get their own secure Virtual Private Cloud where they use the applications, files and folders they are used to. With the File changes, no matter where …
PCI DSS is working, but there are challenges to overcome
Recent figures from the UK Cards Association showed that banking industry initiatives, including PCI have been successful in decreasing the volume of card and bank account …