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EiQ Networks launches SOCVue service

EiQ Networks announced SOCVue, a new remote management service. With this development organizations can now leverage EiQ’s SOC team expertise and knowledge to protect …

How secure is your confidential data?

It seems ages ago that companies were first warned about the danger of confidential information being found in trash bags in front of the office, yet despite the use of …

Data breaches increase IT budgets

Protecting brand reputation and observing security best practices should be organisation’s primary motivators for data protection, while meeting compliance requirements …

Analysis of 5 million scans on 53 million hosts

Qualys has analyzed QualysGuard Policy Compliance (PC) data from more than five million scans performed by organizations worldwide to help enterprises understand key trends as …

Dataguise enhances DG for Hadoop with selective encryption

Dataguise announced DG for Hadoop 4.3, which provides both masking and selective encryption for sensitive data in major Hadoop distributions. The new version also delivers …

The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win

As I've always worked at small companies, I've been fascinated by the politics and problems experienced by those working for larger organizations. Surviving and thriving in …

Enterprise security for businesses addressing privacy obstacles

Protegrity announced deeper enterprise security for global businesses addressing privacy obstacles such as cross-border data transfer and industry specific regulatory …

Qualys and Verizon join forces for new IT security and compliance solutions

Qualys and Verizon announced an agreement to expand their relationship to deliver new advanced cloud-based IT security and compliance management services to organizations …

Zscaler delivers big visibility security analytics

Zscaler unveiled new analytics technology that gives enterprise security professionals real-time visibility into all employee internet activity across web, cloud email, and …

Data protection practices in EU and Asia

Research undertaken by Field Fisher Waterhouse into the existing legal framework mandating encryption of personal data in the EU and Asia details legal requirements and …

PCI DSS cloud computing guidelines

The PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) published the PCI DSS Cloud Computing Guidelines Information Supplement, a product of the Cloud Special Interest Group (SIG). …

Top five hurdles to security and compliance in industrial control systems

For many decades, Industrial Control Systems (ICS) have been the operational systems relied upon to safely and reliably deliver the essentials of daily life. Sometimes …

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