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Safeguarding data in the healthcare industry

Concurrent logins, manual logoffs, password sharing and the lack of unique logins are putting patient records at risk, new research from IS Decisions has revealed. Despite …

Compliance vs. cybersecurity: Insurers face competing priorities

Over the next 12 months insurers will face competing priorities for resources and time, with cybersecurity preparedness challenging overall regulatory compliance readiness, …

The cost of EMV compliance

Credit card companies are making the final call for US merchants to switch over to EMV chip technology in anticipation of the looming deadline. Merchants now have less than …

Best practices for ensuring compliance in the age of cloud computing

When was the last time you heard someone utter the sentence, “I’m looking forward to the audit next week.” Most likely, never. Since its invention, the word “audit” has struck …

Solving the third-party risk management puzzle for PCI

One of the main PCI compliance challenges for businesses is how to accurately document and monitor the payment data and personal information they hold and share with third …

Dealing with a difficult data legacy

Customer call recording and storage is now standard practice across a variety of industries, as well as a Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) requirement in many cases. But …

Understanding PCI compliance fines: Who is in charge of enforcing PCI?

If your business stores, processes, or transmits data from payment cards, then you are subject to the requirements of the PCI DSS. This set of security controls is designed to …

The difficult task of meeting compliance needs

Compliance is a complex issue in many industries and organizations know all too well that there are major fines and potential punishments for not meeting the laws and …

Updated Point-to-Point Encryption standard now provides more flexibility

The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) published an important update to one of its eight security standards, simplifying the development and use of …

The cloud, FedRAMP and FISMA compliance

Many federal agencies and government contractors are migrating to cloud-based computing, a trend that will pick up speed as the cloud becomes more efficient, more affordable, …

How to survive a compliance audit

Ipswitch polled 313 IT professionals in United States with 59 percent noting that they were not fully prepared to undergo an audit. Additionally, 75 percent of respondents …

Proactive FISMA compliance with continuous monitoring

After a great deal of debate and delay, the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) finally saw a substantive update in December 2014. For federal agencies and the …

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