
What healthcare CISOs should know
“Are we more secure today than yesterday?” is the question every healthcare organization needs to asks itself every day. in order to develop a more effective security posture, …

Healthcare breaches: Is your data at rest or at risk?
In 2016 healthcare breaches hit an all-time high (328), surpassing the previous record set in 2015 (268), according to Bitglass. Number of breaches Records of approximately …

European businesses not seeking help from the security industry ahead of GDPR
European research by PAC and Reliance acsn has outlined the challenges and concerns that security professionals across Europe are facing and how they approach the serious …

GDPR requirements: Five high-priority actions
The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will have a global impact when it goes into effect on May 25, 2018. Gartner predicts that by the end of 2018, more than …

Data security and mobile devices: How to make it work
There has been a lot of hype in the media about messaging tools. But recently, some of the headlines have taken a negative turn. Just last month, we read how a London-based …

Employees increasingly allowed to move data onto personal mobile devices
Corporate data governance programs are difficult to establish and enforce. For the most part, these programs lack the necessary people, processes and technology to effectively …

Generational differences increase security risks
There are two major IT security risks that enterprises need to prepare for – Millennials and the impending General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). A global Ponemon …

How to harmonize IT GRC controls in your environment
In this podcast recorded at RSA Conference 2017, Tim White, Director of Product Management, Policy Compliance at Qualys, talks about about achieving uniform compliance in risk …

Businesses still confused about GDPR
European businesses are still unsure about GDPR – almost 78% of IT decision makers at more than 700 European companies either lacked understanding about the impact of …

Addressing pain points in governance, risk and compliance
In this day and age, it seems as though every business has some form of alphabet soup or acronym salad that shapes the decisions they make as it pertains to their information …

Key obstacles to digital transformation and data privacy compliance
To stay relevant in an increasingly digital world, companies are either starting to or are currently in the process of transforming their digital environment to improve …

IBM adds Qualys technology to its Managed Security Services portfolio
Qualys announced at RSA Conference 2017 an expanded partnership with IBM that will add Qualys continuous cloud-based IT security and compliance technology to its Managed …