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Video surveillance trends that will shape 2021

Eagle Eye Networks shared the trends that will have the biggest impact on video surveillance, security, and use of analytics to drive business intelligence and improvement in …

Only 30% prepared to secure a complete shift to remote work

The biggest security concerns facing businesses are data leaking through endpoints (27%), loss of visibility of user activity (25%) and maintaining compliance with regulatory …

medical devices
45 million medical images left exposed online

More than 45 million medical images – including X-rays and CT scans – are left exposed on unprotected servers, a CybelAngel report reveals. The analysts discovered millions of …

What’s at stake in the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)

Two weeks ago, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Van Buren vs. United States, the landmark case over the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA). Nathan Van Buren, the …

How to reduce the risk of third-party SaaS apps

Third-party SaaS apps (and extensions) can significantly extend the functionality and capabilities of an organization’s public cloud environment, but they can also …

Which security practices lead to best security outcomes?

A proactive technology refresh strategy and a well-integrated tech stack are, according to a recent Cisco report, two security practices that are more likely than many others …

Is your organization prepared for PCI DSS 4.0?

Designed to ensure that all companies securely transmit, store or process payment card data correctly, compliance to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) …

Four easy steps for organizations to hand over data control

To stay connected with patients, healthcare providers are turning to telehealth services. In fact, 34.5 million telehealth services were delivered from March through June, …

End-to-end encrypted communication mitigates enterprise security risk and ensures compliance

It is a mathematical certainty that data is more protected by communication products that provide end-to-end encryption (E2EE). Yet, many CISOs are required to prioritize …

How do I select a compliance solution for my business?

A recent survey revealed that, on average, organizations must comply with 13 different IT security and/or privacy regulations and spend $3.5 million annually on compliance …

How businesses rate their own security and compliance risks

SafeGuard Cyber announced the results of a survey of 600 senior enterprise IT and security professionals, conducted to understand how businesses rate their own security and …

Work from home strategies leave many companies in regulatory limbo

Like most American businesses, middle market companies have been forced to rapidly implement a variety of work-from-home strategies to sustain productivity and keep employees …

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