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Mozilla will block Firefox add-ons that contain obfuscated code
Mozilla has announced that, starting from June 10, Firefox add-ons containing obfuscated code will no longer be allowed on its Add-ons portal and will be blocked. “We …

The percentage of open source code in proprietary apps is rising
The number of open source components in the codebase of proprietary applications keeps rising and with it the risk of those apps being compromised by attackers leveraging …

Build security into software up front: Believe it or not, it’s cheaper and faster
“You can pay me now, or you can pay me later” was the tagline of a 1981 ad promoting oil filters. Seems simple, but the implied message was much stronger: It wasn’t about …

Driving an industry towards secure code
The German government made an unprecedented move this week by issuing requirements for all new vehicles’ software to be made accessible to country regulators to ensure that …