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Trust in the cloud or trust in the phone: What next for mobile payments?

Thales looks at the approaches for the successful mass adoption of mobile payments among issuers, card schemes, acquirers, merchants and consumers and asks whether the arrival …

Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit 8.0 Beta released

The Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit’s new capabilities help you assess the readiness of your environment for deploying Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012. …

Symantec envisions safe cloud strategy

Symantec announced its vision for safe, agile and efficient clouds. In five years, companies will operate in a converged IT world of cloud, virtualization and mobile computing …

Companies don’t understand cloud services

A majority of SMBs in the UK and US are unsure of cloud services or think they are only for large companies, thus missing out on the opportunity to increase productivity and …

Most organizations report an increase in external attacks

Organizations need to fundamentally shift their approach to information security in order to meet the threats presented by existing and emerging technologies according to …

Security system for trust of data in the cloud

Porticor introduced the latest release of its Virtual Private Data (VPD) system, which protects cloud data while stored and in use, delivering total security to cloud …

Cloud Security Alliance released SIEM guidance

The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) released the Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) guidance report as part of its Security as a Service (SecaaS) Implementation …

Qualys extends QualysGuard Cloud Platform

Qualys announced that QualysGuard Vulnerability Management will now feature vulnerability prediction capabilities within a new dashboard and threat reports for zero-days and …

Top 10 strategic technology trends for 2013

Gartner highlighted the top 10 technologies and trends that will be strategic for most organizations in 2013. Gartner defines a strategic technology as one with the potential …

Cloud Security Alliance guidance for data ownership

The Cloud Security Alliance has incorporated in recently-released implementation guidance issued by the Security as a Service Working Group a set of recommendations for cloud …

Rackspace launches Cloud Block Storage, powered by OpenStack

Rackspace announced Cloud Block Storage, powered by OpenStack. This solution provides an approach to attached storage in the cloud by addressing customer demand for …

First application firewall for Google Apps

CloudLock launched CloudLock Apps Firewall, which helps enterprises discover, classify and enable trusted third party mobile and web apps that require access to users’ …

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