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Cloud infrastructure spending jumped to $18.6B in 3Q21

According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), spending on compute and storage infrastructure products for cloud infrastructure, including dedicated and shared …

cloud complexity
Why organizations should consider adopting cloud governance as code

Cloud governance, in terms of enforcing cost, compliance, and security policies tends to be a pivotal inhibitor to cloud adoption (86% of the respondents) and is a top …

What is challenging multicloud adoption?

Nutanix announced the findings of its Enterprise Cloud Index (ECI) survey and research report, which measures enterprise progress with cloud adoption. The research showed that …

Oded Hareven
The importance of securing machine-to-machine and human-to-machine interaction

In this interview with Help Net Security, Oded Hareven, CEO at Akeyless, explains how organizations manage secrets, particularly how this practice has changed and evolved amid …

Multicloud environment complexities putting digital transformation at risk

Dynatrace announced the findings of an independent global survey of 1,300 CIOs and senior IT practitioners involved in infrastructure management. The research reveals the …

cloud storage
What are the barriers to moving legacy data to the cloud?

While 95% of tech leaders worldwide say moving their legacy application data to the cloud is a priority, and 80.5% want to do it within the next 12 months, only 35% of tech …

The rising threat of cyber criminals targeting cloud infrastructure in 2022

In the world of cybersecurity, combating threats is like playing endless, hyper-advanced, multidimensional Whack-A-Mole: new threats are always emerging, often from unexpected …

How safe are cloud applications?

Netskope released a research highlighting the continued growth of malware and other malicious payloads delivered by cloud applications. The year-over-year analysis identifies …

On-premises cloud: The worst of both worlds?

As 2022 begins, the demand for cloud-fueled IT services has reached an all-time high. Given the tumult of the past two years, it’s understandable that businesses should be …

6 cloud security trends to watch for in 2022

It’s fascinating to take a step back and look at how “the cloud” developed over the last two decades. There has been a lot of innovation that has sparked a new wave of …

Healthcare cloud infrastructure market size to reach $142 billion by 2028

The global healthcare cloud infrastructure market size is expected to reach $142 billion by 2028, according to ResearchAndMarkets. The market is expected to expand at a CAGR …

What is challenging cloud native policy management?

Nirmata announced a report that features an analysis of the current cloud native policy management market adoption, including the technologies used and the challenges that …

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