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Multi-cloud and edge deployments threatened by security and connectivity problems

Organizations face major infrastructure and security challenges in supporting multi-cloud and edge deployments, according to a Volterra survey of more than 400 IT executives. …

Europe’s Gaia-X cloud service faces a difficult future

In January, Microsoft reported its fiscal 2020 second quarter results. Among the company’s many impressive accomplishments is a 62% growth (yeay-over-year) of its Azure cloud …

cloud storage
Most enterprises choose multi-cloud strategies, 55% plan to invest in data virtualization

79% of enterprises want better integrated security and governance for their data in the cloud, a survey from AtScale reveals. “As more enterprises embrace cloud …

What is driving the machine identity crisis?

Every machine needs a unique identity in order to authenticate itself and communicate securely with other machines. This requirement is radically changing the definition of …

Researchers develop new optical stealth encryption technology

The first all optical stealth encryption technology that will be significantly more secure and private for highly sensitive cloud-computing and data center network …

Organizational culture defines a successful cloud strategy

61% of organizations in the U.S. and Canada are committed to moving enterprise applications to the cloud as quickly as possible, but many struggle with challenges related to …

52% of companies use cloud services that have experienced a breach

Seventy-nine percent of companies store sensitive data in the public cloud, according to a McAfee survey. Anonymized cloud event data showing percentage of files in the cloud …

cloud binary
CIOs using AI to bridge gap between IT resources and cloud complexity

There’s a widening gap between IT resources and the demands of managing the increasing scale and complexity of enterprise cloud ecosystems, a Dynatrace survey of 800 …

Six trends attracting the attention of enterprise technology leaders

Organizations around the world will accelerate enterprise technology investment in 2020, leveraging digital improvements to make them more competitive, improve connections …

Budgetary, policy, workforce issues influencing DOD and intelligence community IT priorities

Information Technology spending by Department of Defense (DOD) and Intelligence Community (IC) agencies will continue to grow as they work to keep pace with the evolution of …

What steps should agencies take to better prepare for a multi-cloud future?

Agencies do not feel prepared to manage current multi-cloud environments. While most Federal IT decision makers say their agency already uses multiple cloud platforms (81 …

Study on public cloud performance: AWS, GCP, Azure, Alibaba and IBM Cloud

There are notable network performance and connectivity differences between the five major public cloud providers – Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), …

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