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Kennedy Torkura
Maintaining consistent security in diverse cloud infrastructures

As cloud infrastructures become increasingly API-driven and dynamically spread across expansive attack surfaces, achieving clarity proves difficult. Compounding this challenge …

Attackers can turn AWS SSM agents into remote access trojans

Mitiga researchers have documented a new post-exploitation technique attackers can use to gain persistent remote access to AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances (virtual …

How CISOs navigate security and compliance in a multi-cloud world

Due to the increasing importance of multi-cloud and the intricate nature of cloud infrastructure, obtaining a comprehensive understanding of the various cloud workloads …

Organizations face an uphill battle to keep their sensitive data secure

On average, organizations store 61% of their sensitive data in the cloud, and most have experienced at least one cybersecurity breach (90%), threat (89%) and/or theft of data …

Application and cloud security is a shared responsibility

Cloud environments and application connectivity have become a critical part of many organizations’ digital transformation initiatives. In fact, nearly 40% of North American …

cloud complexity
Hybrid cloud storage security challenges

Companies are challenged with more complex hybrid IT environments. They are raising budgets to fend off cyberattacks and keep up as production environments continue to …

Rackspace Hosted Exchange outage was caused by ransomware

Rackspace has finally confirmed the cause of the ongoing outage of its Hosted Exchange service: it’s ransomware. “As you know, on Friday, December 2nd, 2022, we …

Rackspace Hosted Exchange service outage caused by security incident

Cloud computing company Rackspace has suffered a security breach that has resulted in a still ongoing outage of their Hosted Exchange environment. “In order to best …

cloud storage
Top 4 priorities for cloud data protection

Recent BigID research found that 86% of organizations use multiple cloud platforms to store their data- across IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. As the reliance on cloud services …

Increased security driving investments in cloud computing

Aptum has announced a report which examines the complexities inherent in hybrid cloud environments and their implications on security, data governance, compliance and disaster …

hybrid work
DaaS might be the future of work

The move to hybrid work is on. And to support and accelerate it, IT executives are counting on Desktop as a Service (DaaS). According to the results of a Pulse survey …

Malicious actors targeting the cloud for cryptocurrency-mining activities

Trend Micro announced a report revealing a fierce, hour-by-hour battle for resources among malicious cryptocurrency mining groups. “Just a few hours of compromise could …

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