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Prevent credential stuffing and account takeover attacks with these expert tips

Account takeover and credential stuffing attacks are two security threats that often go hand in hand. Both have become alarmingly prominent: a recent report found that …

5G IoT security: Opportunity comes with risks

Slowly but surely, 5G digital cellular networks are being set up around the world. It will take years for widespread coverage and use to be achieved, so what better time than …

cybersecurity company benefits
Cybersecurity company benefits should reduce stress but don’t

From start-ups to Silicon Valley giants, tech company employees work in some of the most luxurious offices in the world, especially as the best of businesses battle to attract …

Pain points for CTOs: A primer of the most stressful aspects of the job

The role of chief technology officer is evolving quickly because of the current spate of technology and its development. Not so long ago, CTOs focused heavily on IT operations …

online shopping
How can financial institutions prevent shopping season fraud?

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are two of the years’ busiest shopping days. For consumers and retailers alike, it marks the beginning of the winter holiday shopping season, as …

There’s no way to fill the data skills gap, what now?

A recent survey of 100 UK CIOs found that 76% are worried about recruiting the IT staff they need to remain competitive. They’re right to be worried. The European Commission …

Port cybersecurity: Safeguarding operations against cyber attacks

Port stakeholders are facing more and more cybersecurity challenges with the emergence of new threats, regulations and increased digitalization. Major incidents such as …

The overlooked part of an infosec strategy: Cyber insurance underwriting

When a data breach or cyber attack hits the headlines one of the last things businesses are likely to consider is how cyber insurance could helped. Outside of a general …

Preventing insider threats, data loss and damage through zero trust

With the proliferation of mobile devices and BYOD, ubiquitous and always available internet connectivity and the widespread use of private, public and hybrid cloud solutions, …

Women in cybersecurity can benefit from taking inventory of their personal apps

Today, technology fits into the palm of our hand. We have become accustomed to turning to it to find all sorts of answers to everyday challenges such as where to eat, where to …

Only 11% of organizations can detect intruders in under one minute

The process of detecting, triaging, investigating, and containing a cyber incident takes organizations globally on average nearly seven days of working around the clock …

Automated systems: Flag smarter, not everything

Imagine dealing with 1,000s of security alerts a day, whilst simultaneously juggling the tasks that are part of your day-to-day job. Challenging right? This is the current …

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