Modern malware is increasingly leveraging evasive behaviors
Modern malware is increasingly leveraging evasive behaviors, a new report by VMware Carbon Black released at RSA Conference 2020 has revealed. The report uncovers the top …

Combat complexity to prevent cybersecurity fatigue
In today’s security landscape, the average company uses more than 20 security technologies. While vendor consolidation is steadily increasing with 86 percent of organizations …

Cloud-based collaboration tools are a major driver of data exfiltration
Cloud-based collaboration technologies and workforce turnover have become major drivers of data exfiltration as insider threat programs fail to keep pace with today’s digital …

Changing the mindset of the CISO: From enforcer to enabler
With digital transformation investments expected to reach a staggering $7.4 trillion before 2023, organizations realize that they must disrupt their markets or risk being …

97% of IT leaders worried about insider data breaches
A staggering 97% of IT leaders say insider breach risk is a significant concern, according to a survey by Egress. 78% think employees have put data at risk accidentally in the …

Looking at the future of identity access management (IAM)
Here we are: at the beginning of a new year and the start of another decade. In many ways, technology is exceeding what we expected by 2020, and in other ways, well, it is …

Are CISOs ready for zero trust architectures?
Zero trust is a concept that is gaining an increasingly large and dedicated following, but it may mean different things to different audiences, so let’s start with a …

The top four Office 365 security pain points
Many novice Office 365 (O365) shops do not know where platform-specific security vulnerabilities lie, or even that they exist. The threats that you are unaware exist do not …

Jon Callas: Encryption is a technology that rearranges power
In anticipation of his keynote at HITB Security Conference 2020 in Amsterdam, we talked to Jon Callas, a world-renowned cryptographer, software engineer, UX designer, and …

A third of all vulnerabilities in 2019 had a CVSS v2 score of 7.0 and above
Risk Based Security’s VulnDB team aggregated 22,316 newly-disclosed vulnerabilities during 2019, finding that 37.26% had available exploit code or a Proof of Concept and that …

The challenges of cyber research and vulnerability disclosure for connected healthcare devices
As Head of Research at CyberMDX, Elad Luz gathers and analyzes information on a variety of connected healthcare devices in order to improve the techniques used to protect them …

Three API security risks in the wake of the Facebook breach
Facebook recently pledged to improve its security following a lawsuit that resulted from a 2018 data breach. The breach, which was left open for more than 20 months, resulted …