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Only 12% of enterprises have fully embraced SASE

Although many public and private sector organizations have elements of SASE in their IT stack, only 12% worldwide currently have a comprehensive SASE architecture, according …

How do I select a SOAR solution for my business?

Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) products offer an appealing solution, promising efficiencies in detecting and responding to threats. However, …

security awareness
Security awareness programs: The difference between window dressing and behavior change

CISOs are responsible for pursuing cybersecurity purchases that align with the overall health of their organizations. All investments must drive tangible value and ROI while …

Number of ransomware attacks grew by more than 150%

By the end of 2020, the ransomware market, fueled by the pandemic turbulence, had turned into the biggest cybercrime money artery. Based on the analysis of more than 500 …

March 2021 Patch Tuesday forecast: Off to an early start

Microsoft got an early start on Patch Tuesday, releasing a series of out-of-band security updates this week to address four zero-day vulnerabilities in Exchange Server. …

Risky business: 3 timeless approaches to reduce security risk in 2021

Since the COVID-19 pandemic drove workforces home, we’ve seen an increase in security risk across the board: from an increase in phishing and spear phishing attacks to an …

stock price
Cybercriminals increasingly impersonate business-related apps

Cybercriminals have wasted little time in capitalizing on the vulnerabilities that come with remote work, and their attacks have been highly targeted, with a focus on …

32% of enterprises experienced unauthorized access to cloud resources

A new report conducted by Dimensional Research revealed that 32% of enterprises experienced unauthorized access to cloud resources, and another 19% were unaware if …

Cybercriminals innovate to find vulnerabilities that can be monetized

The global pandemic had a dramatic influence on the cybersecurity landscape in 2020. Cymulate, released its report on the 2020 security landscape and its impact on security …

10 CISO strategies
10 strategies small security teams can use for effective cybersecurity management

As the challenges of smaller security teams are certainly different than with larger teams, these IT professionals must be more creative and pragmatic than their large …

Why enterprises need rugged devices with integrated endpoint management systems

The debate within business organizations of whether to use consumer devices or to invest in rugged devices for the operations side of their business is as old as personal …

U.S. municipalities are the perfect target for cybercriminals in 2021

On Feb 5th, 2021, a hacker gained remote access to a water treatment plant in Oldsmar, Florida, and was able to adjust the amount of sodium hydroxide in the water from 100 …

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