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Dimitri van Zantvliet
Mounting cybersecurity pressure is creating headaches in railway boardrooms

The expansion of potential cyber threats has increased due to the integration of connected devices, the Internet of Things (IoT), and the convergence of IT and OT in railway …

insider threat
Insider attacks becoming more frequent, more difficult to detect

Insider threats are a top concern at organizations of all kinds; only 3% of respondents surveyed are not concerned with insider risk, according to Gurucul. With responses from …

Daniel Spicer
ChatGPT is a bigger threat to cybersecurity than most realize

A language-generating AI model called ChatGPT, available for free, has taken the internet by storm. While AI has the potential to help IT and security teams become more …

Dritan Saliovski
How to tackle the cybersecurity skills shortage in the EU

The cybersecurity skills shortage is a global problem, but each region – including Europe or, more specifically, the EU – has distinct problems it has to tackle to …

Understanding your attack surface makes it easier to prioritize technologies and systems

It has been observed that attackers will attempt to start exploiting vulnerabilities within the first fifteen minutes of their disclosure. As the time to patch gets shorter, …

Why most IoT cybersecurity strategies give zero hope for zero trust

IoT remains the biggest hurdle in achieving an effective zero-trust security posture across an organization. In this Help Net Security video, Denny LeCompte, CEO at Portnox, …

Zero trust network access for Desktop as a Service

When you support a remote workforce, you risk opening your data, applications, and organization to the world. How can you sleep soundly at night while enabling a modern “work …

Global instability increases cyber risk, says World Economic Forum

Geopolitical instability is exacerbating the risk of catastrophic cyberattacks, according to the Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2023 report from the World Economic Forum. The …

Potential threats and sinister implications of ChatGPT

ChatGPT from OpenAI is a conversational chatbot recently released in preview mode for research purposes. It takes natural language as input and aims to solve problems, provide …

How to succeed in cyber crisis management and avoid a Tower of Babel

Although cyberattacks have become more common, handling them remains extremely challenging for organizations. Even if things go well on the technical level, incident response …

Threats that will dominate headlines in 2023

In this Help Net Security video, MacKenzie Jackson, Developer Advocate at GitGuardian, offers his cybersecurity predictions for 2023. These include: Developers will be a …

Passkeys, going passwordless, and the future of authentication

There are a variety of roadblocks associated with moving to passwordless authentication. Foremost is that people hate change. End users push back when you ask them to abandon …

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