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Why compliance is never enough

Organizations are well aware of the security risks inherent in our hyper-connected world. However, many are making the mistake of focusing their attention on being compliant …

Take cybersecurity into your own hands: Don’t rely on tech giants

Google doesn’t want you to have to think about cybersecurity at all, similar to how we think about breathing, which sounds like a great idea. However, in all of my years in …

Cybersecurity 2019: Predictions you can’t ignore

As we move forward to 2019, expect credit card and payment information theft to continue to rise. Yes, this isn’t a major surprise; however, if organizations can better …

The current state of cybersecurity in the connected hospital

Abbott and The Chertoff Group released a white paper that shares key findings from a recent study of 300 physicians and 100 hospital administrators on cybersecurity challenges …

Are we chasing the wrong zero days?

Zero days became part of mainstream security after the world found out that Stuxnet malware was used to inflict physical damage on an Iranian nuclear facility. After the …

Internal negligence to blame for most data breaches involving personal health information

Your personal identity may fall at the mercy of attackers on many websites, but when it comes to health data breaches, hospitals, doctors offices and even insurance companies …

Privacy laws do not understand human error

In a world of increasingly punitive regulations like GDPR, the combination of unstructured data and human error represents one of the greatest risks an organization faces. …

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Third parties: Fast-growing risk to an organization’s sensitive data

The Ponemon Institute surveyed more than 1,000 CISOs and other security and risk professionals across the US and UK to understand the challenges companies face in protecting …

Organizations unable to achieve business resilience against cyber threats

The Resilience Gap study, which surveyed over 4,000 business decision makers across the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany and Japan found that while 96% of the …

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What’s keeping Europe’s top infosec pros awake at night?

As the world adapts to GDPR and puts more attention on personal privacy and security, Europe’s top information security professionals still have doubts about the industry’s …

60% of firms believe a major security event will hit in the next few years

Only 30 percent of 1,250 senior executives, management and security practitioners in the U.S., U.K. and Canada are confident their business will avoid a major security event …

Cybersecurity and ethical data management: Getting it right

Data can provide information, information can lead to insight and knowledge, and knowledge is power. It’s no wonder, then, that seemingly everybody in this modern, …

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