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How to Marie Kondo your data

By now you’ve heard about Marie Kondo, the author of New York Times bestseller, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and star of Tidying Up, the new Netflix show that puts …

Serverless, shadow APIs and Denial of Wallet attacks

In this Help Net Security podcast, Doug Dooley, Chief Operating Officer at Data Theorem, discusses serverless computing, a new area that both DevOps leaders and enterprise …

CyberArk report
Enterprises fear disruption to business critical applications, yet don’t prioritize securing them

The majority of organizations (nearly 70 percent) do not prioritize the protection of the applications that their business depend on – such as ERP and CRM systems – any …

Third-party cyber risk management is a burden on human and financial resources

Organizations and third parties see their third-party cyber risk management (TPCRM) practices as important but ineffective. There are four major takeaways for key decision …

Build-time security: Block risk and security issues from production rings

Build-time security has become a standard part of any security program and continues to grow in popularity with the shift left movement. In its most popular form, it’s a …

How to build an effective vulnerability management program

The concept of vulnerability management has undergone a number of changes in the last few years. It is no longer simply a synonym for vulnerability assessment, but has grown …

Worldwide spending on security solutions expected to continue growing

Worldwide spending on security-related hardware, software, and services is forecast to reach $103.1 billion in 2019, an increase of 9.4% over 2017. This pace of growth is …

Breaking the cybersecurity stalemate by investing in people

No surprise, it happened again. In 2018, the financial toll cyber breaches took on organizations hit $3.86 million, a 6.4 percent rise from 2017. Before last year’s close, …

Four key security tips when using any collaboration technology

With database breaches and ransomware attacks making daily news, security is now a top priority for companies, and collaboration solutions are no exception. In the current age …

Signal Sciences
The modern threat landscape and expanding CISO challenges

Prior to starting Signal Sciences, its founders were running security at Etsy, and growing frustrated with existing legacy technology. So they built their own. For this …

Latest trends in automated threat intelligence-driven network security

Since the earliest days of the Internet both network threats and network defenses have been evolving. In this Help Net Security podcast recorded at RSA Conference 2019, Todd …

Thinking of threat intelligence as a contributing member of your security team

Threat intelligence is widely considered as a significant asset for organizations, but implementation of this intelligence within security operations can often be cumbersome. …

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