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The importance of hardening firmware security

It’s no secret that attackers traditionally go after low-hanging fruit when hacking a system. Historically, this has meant targeting user applications, and, for deeper …

shadow IT
Enterprises catching up with the explosion of cloud use and shadow IT in the workplace

Businesses worldwide are gaining control of previously unmonitored and unsupported cloud applications and devices, known as shadow IT, that lurk in their IT environments, …

IIoT risks of relying heavily on edge computing

The sheer volume of data created by the Internet of Things (IoT) is increasing dramatically as the world is becoming progressively more connected. There is projected to be a …

The importance of IT asset management within digital transformation processes

In this Help Net Security podcast, Marco Rottigni, Chief Technical Security Officer for Qualys across EMEA, talks about the importance of IT asset management within digital …

Multi-stage attack techniques are making network defense difficult

IT managers are inundated with cyberattacks coming from all directions and are struggling to keep up due to a lack of security expertise, budget and up to date technology, …

How well are healthcare organizations protecting patient information?

Healthcare organizations have high levels of confidence in their cybersecurity preparedness despite most of them using only basic user authentication methods in the face of an …

How businesses can become more nimble and secure by moving to the cloud

Today’s business landscape is more dynamic than ever before. Organizations are being inundated with data, generated by an ever-increasing number of connected devices and …

Inside the NIST team working to make cybersecurity more user-friendly

Cybersecurity is usually not a user’s primary duty, yet they suffer an increasing burden to respond to security warnings, maintain many complex passwords, and make security …

More than 2 million cyber incidents in 2018 created $45 billion in losses

The financial impact of ransomware rose by 60%, losses from business email compromise (BEC) doubled, and cryptojacking incidents more than tripled, all despite the fact that …

What can financial institutions do to improve email security?

Financial institutions are in a fully-fledged war against data breaches. And rightly so – the finance sector is a frequent target of ransomware, phishing, and other malicious …

Why identity is the foundation of security

Once upon a time, companies secured their valuable information by locking file cabinets and installing passwords and firewalls around databases and systems in office-based …

Cybersecurity crisis communication: How to do it well

Riviera Beach is one of the several cities and towns in Florida which have recently been hit with ransomware. Its local government, like that of Lake City before it, decided …

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