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Businesses need to treat cybersecurity as something that crosses organizational boundaries

Companies are working to balance their desire for new innovations with their need for strong cyber-defenses, according to a new report from CompTIA. CompTIA’s …

Security is slowly becoming essential to doing business

A veteran of the information security industry, Greg Jensen has spent the last six years at Oracle as the Senior Director of Oracle’s Cloud Security solutions. He’s also …

Targeted threat intelligence and what your organization might be missing

In this Help Net Security podcast recorded at Black Hat USA 2019, Adam Darrah (Director of Intelligence), Mike Kirschner (Chief Operating Officer) and Christian Lees (Chief …

CISO do’s and don’ts: Lessons learned

Keeping a business safe from cyber threats while allowing it to thrive is every CISO’s goal. The task is not easy: a CISO has to keep many balls in the air while being …

Cyber risk assessment of U.S. election commissions finds critical areas for improvement

Many election commissions are focused on quickly adapting and updating their cybersecurity; however, commissions still need to dedicate resources to updating outdated …

How to navigate critical data security and privacy policy challenges

By 2020, there will be 40x more bytes of data than there are stars in the universe as we know it. And with data growth comes more security and privacy obstacles for …

IIoT security challenges: Dealing with cutting edge technologies

Dr. Jesus Molina is the Director of Business Development at Waterfall Security Solutions, and in this interview with Help Net Security he talks about the security issues …

Regulations are driving innovation toward an identity layer on the Internet

The security community often points to the inherent lack of an encryption layer on the Internet as a factor behind many of the related threat vectors. The decentralized nature …

Shine a light on shadow IT to improve organizational resilience

Shadow IT is one of the biggest challenges facing organizations today. According to Gartner, by 2020, a third of all cybersecurity attacks experienced by enterprises will be …

Cybersecurity issues can’t be solved by simply buying a product

Year after year, data breach losses continue to rise and the cybercrime economy continues to thrive. What is the cybersecurity industry doing wrong? Vendors must genuinely …

SMBs show no improvement in IT maturity levels, security remains top concern

IT groups at small and midsize businesses (SMBs) show no improvement in IT maturity levels in three years, while security remains top concern, a Kaseya survey reveals. Based …

Supply chain security: Five IT strategies for choosing vendors wisely

With the proliferation of SaaS solutions, API integrations and cloud computing, virtually everything in the modern enterprise is connected to untold number of outside …

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