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Free Heartbleed scanner for Chrome and Android

To help Internet users protect themselves from the Heartbleed bug that is eroding SSL security features on websites worldwide, Trend Micro released two free Heartbleed …

Comparative analysis of browser security

NSS Labs released the results and analysis from its latest Browser Security Comparative Analysis Report which evaluated the ability of eight leading browsers – Apple …

Pwn2Own 2014 ends, $850k distributed to successful hackers

Day two of the Pwn2Own hacking contest at the CanSecWest Conference in Vancouver has ended with Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Flash going down. The Vupen team …

A solution for fixing hijacked Chrome settings

Many users – if not all – have experienced downloading a free screensaver or game without looking at the small print and consequently getting their browser …

Chrome bugs allow websites to listen in on your conversations

Several security flaws in the popular Google Chrome browser can be exploited to turn the computer into a surreptitious listening device, claims Israeli developer Tal Ater. As …

Ad-pushers buy Chrome add-ons, update them to inject ads

Google has a new problem: original add-on developers are being bought out by ad firms and their creations equipped with code serving ads to unsuspecting users. The practice …

Safari, Chrome and Samsung Galaxy S4 taken down in Mobile Pwn2Own

Results from the second annual Mobile Pwn2Own competition ending today at PacSec Applied Security Conference in Tokyo, Japan, are in: the successful compromises include …

Google tests new Chrome feature for thwarting rogue plugins

A new feature that has been added to Google Canary is set to help users remove changes effected by malware that switches their homepage or injects ads into the sites their …

Chrome plugin aims to thwart user profiling efforts

Inspired by a piece of fictional software described in Cory Doctorow’s book Little Brother, developer Ben West created a browser plugin that should, in theory, make it …

Chrome not the only browser that stores plain-text passwords

When choosing to import his Safari bookmarks and settings into Google’s Chrome browser, software developer Elliot Kember discovered that although it seemed like he could …

Chrome, Firefox users targeted with account-hijacking plugins

Hijacked social networking accounts can be monetized in a number of ways, so cyber crooks are always thinking up new ways of doing so, preferably without the user noticing. …

Internet Explorer best at malware and privacy protection

Back in May, NSS Labs shared the results of their testing of how successful popular Web browsers are in detecting malware, showing that the latest versions of Internet …

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