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Analysis reveals the most common causes behind mis-issued SSL/TLS certificates

We should be able to trust public key certificates, but this is the real world: mistakes and “mistakes” happen. Researchers from Indiana University Bloomington …

The probability that an EV SSL certificate is associated with a bad domain is 0.013%

In 2018, phishing attacks were attempted 482.5 million times, more than doubling the number of incidents in 2017. New research conducted by the Georgia Institute of Technology …

Certificate-related outages impact the reputation of financial services organizations

Financial services organizations are more likely to have digital certificate-related outages than other industries, a Venafi study reveals. Over 100 CIOs in the financial …

Code signing keys and certificates are crucial security assets, are you protecting them?

Only 28 percent of organizations consistently enforce a defined security process for code signing certificates, a Venafi study of over 320 security professionals in the U.S., …

PII capturing websites still applying poor security measures one year after GDPR

One year after the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect, 1 in 10 PII capturing websites belonging to the top 10 UK financial services organizations …

CIOs admit certificate-related outages routinely impact critical business applications and services

Certificate-related outages harm the reliability and availability of vital network systems and services while also being extremely difficult to diagnose and remediate. …

Cybercriminals are increasingly using encryption to conceal and launch attacks

In this Help Net Security podcast, Deepen Desai, VP Security Research & Operations at Zscaler, talks about the latest Zscaler Cloud Security Insight Report, which focuses …

Attackers compromised ASUS to deliver backdoored software updates

Unknown attackers have compromised an update server belonging to Taiwanese computer and electronics maker ASUS and used it to push a malicious backdoor on a huge number of …

Sale of SSL/TLS certificates on the dark web is rampant

There is no dearth of compromised, fake and forged SSL/TLS certificates for sale on dark web markets, researchers have found. TLS certificates are sold individually and …

74% of organizations face outages due to expired certificates

As information security budgets grow and funds are allocated to protect the defensive perimeter, many companies have overlooked the critical importance of digital certificate …

Google hand
Google also abused its Apple developer certificate to collect iOS user data

It turns out that Google, like Facebook, abused its Apple Enterprise Developer Certificate to distribute a data collection app to iOS users, in direct contravention of …

A final call for replacing security certificates using Symantec roots

Help Net Security sat down with Jeremy Rowley, Executive Vice President of Product at DigiCert. He leads the company’s product development teams serving its TLS and digital …

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