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Enterprise leaders now see cybersecurity as a business advantage

Enterprise leaders who previously viewed cybersecurity as part of traditional infrastructure have shifted to rapidly invest in integrated, cloud-based approaches, with ripple …

remote workforce protection
Empowering a remote workforce is a top priority for CEOs

A top challenge for many CEOs over the next few years is managing a remote workforce, a new IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV) study reveals. CEOs of outperforming …

Office 365
Business executives targeted with Office 365-themed phishing emails

An ongoing campaign powered by a phishing kit sold on underground forums is explicitly targeting high-ranking executives in a variety of sectors and countries with fake Office …

building blocks
How will blockchain impact the global economy?

An analysis by PwC shows blockchain technology has the potential to boost global gross domestic product (GDP) by $1.76 trillion over the next decade. That is the key finding …

Financial impact of cyber-physical system attacks expected to grow

Liability for cyber-physical security incidents will pierce the corporate veil to personal liability for 75% of CEOs by 2024, according to Gartner. Due to the nature of …

Businesses torn between paying and not paying ransoms

40% of consumers hold business leaders personally responsible for ransomware attacks businesses suffer, according to a research from Veritas Technologies. Furthermore, …

CEOs and CISOs disagree on cyber strategies

There are growing disparities in how CEOs and CISOs view the most effective cybersecurity path forward, according to Forcepoint. The global survey of 200 CEOs and CISOs from …

Phishing is a huge concern among security decision-makers and influencers

A serious disconnect exists between how decision makers (i.e., CISOs, CIOs and CEOs), and security practitioners (i.e., IT managers and directors, security architects and …

Companies risk revenue growth due to innovation achievement gap

While a majority of CEOs express strong confidence in the effectiveness of their current IT systems, most are struggling to close the innovation achievement gap to drive …

road sign
How enterprise risk management programs operate in organizations today

More than half of CEOs think their enterprise risk management program (ERM) program is not as effective as it should be, a LogicGate survey reveals. Challenges for enterprise …

Executives are not actively engaged in ensuring the effectiveness of cybersecurity strategy

There’s a clear lack of accountability, especially on the board and among C-suite executives, and a lack of confidence in determining the efficacy of security …

Executives now recognize cybersecurity as a key business driver

Cybersecurity is now recognized as a key business driver by the C-Suite, according to a new Radware report. Executives that participated in the survey found that the four main …

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