car hacking

Research shows Tesla Model 3 and Model S are vulnerable to GPS spoofing attacks
Tesla Model S and Model 3 electric cars are vulnerable to cyberattacks aimed at their navigation systems, according to research from Regulus Cyber. Staged attack caused the …

How likely are weaponized cars?
It is easy to become absorbed by the exaggerated Hollywood depictions of car hacking scenarios – to imagine a not-so-distant future when cars or their supporting …

Hack a Tesla Model 3, get cash and the car
For this year’s edition of the Pwn2Own hacking contest at CanSecWest, Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative has announced a new target category: Automotive. So, aside from …

Connected car security is improving, researchers say
The automotive industry has apparently stepped up their game when it comes to improving connected car security. According to the latest IOActive report, which was compiled …

Researchers hack BMW cars, discover 14 vulnerabilities
Keen Security Lab researchers have discovered fourteen vulnerabilities affecting a variety of BMW car models. The flaws could be exploited to gain local and remote access to …

Backdooring connected cars for covert remote control
We’ve all known for a while now that the security of connected cars leaves a lot to be desired. The latest proof of that sad state of affairs comes from Argentinian …

Infosec expert viewpoint: Connected car security
A recent Irdeto Global Connected Car Survey found that of the consumers who plan on purchasing a vehicle in the future, 53% are likely to research the car’s ability to protect …

No key required: How thieves use relay boxes to steal cars
Getting in your car and starting it without having to pull the key out of your pocket is one of the small conveniences that come with many modern vehicles. Unfortunately, the …

Researchers remotely hack Tesla Model X
Security researchers from Tencent’s Keen Security Lab have done it again: they’ve found vulnerabilities in one of Tesla’s cars and demonstrated that they can …

Testing the security of connected cars and IoT devices
IBM Security announced the launch of two new security testing practice areas focused on automotive security and the Internet of Things (IoT). The new services will be …

Unprotected database exposes VINs, owner info of 10 million cars
A database containing information on 10 million cars sold in the US and personal information about their owners has been found exposed online. The unprotected database was …

Guidance for connected vehicle security: Attack vectors and impacts
The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) released its first ever research and guidance report on connected vehicle security. Authored by the CSA’s Internet of Things (IoT) …