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Send messages with file attachments in a secure environment

TigerText introduced the ability to send file attachments today through an API integration with Dropbox. TigerText users will now be able to securely and instantly send PDF, …

Blue Coat delivers mobile application controls

Blue Coat introduced mobile application controls that close the security gap created by unsanctioned mobile applications on the corporate network. The growth in bring your own …

The growing headache of protecting mobile devices

33 per cent of UK organizations foresee the protection of mobile devices in the workplace to be the biggest security headache they will encounter in the year ahead, according …

Half of enterprise networks will be obsolete within five years

Technology trends such as BYOD, video and virtualization are rapidly consuming network capacity and capabilities, and 45 percent of the enterprise networks assessed during …

Companies routinely share sensitive information via email

PhoneFactor announced a new survey data regarding the vulnerability of company email systems. The majority of respondents reported that highly sensitive information about …

Removing the fear factor from BYOD

In May, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) said that it would ignore the government’s advice on BYOD (bring your own device) because of concerns around the security of the …

FIPS-validated mobile VPN for iPhone and iPad

Columbitech announced the availability of the enterprise-grade mVPN Secure Browser 5.0, which supports the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. The browser provides secure access to …

Most senior managers don’t know where their data is

67% of respondents say that senior management in their organizations either don’t know where all company data resides or are not sure, according to Varonis. In addition, …

HP secures the mobile workforce

HP announced new offerings to help SMBs prepare their technology infrastructures for a growing mobile workforce. With more than 1.1 billion mobile appliances in use worldwide, …

BYOD workers pose serious security risks

Fortinet conducted a global survey that reveals the extent of the challenge posed to corporate IT systems by first generation Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) users; people …

Identify and block mobile malware on enterprise networks

Sourcefire announced new advancements for delivering visibility and control to help enterprises protect against threats that result from mobility and Bring Your Own Device …

BYOD influences enterprise mobile security

The rapid proliferation of consumer mobile devices is changing the traditional IT environment in enterprises, as 90 percent of enterprises have already deployed mobile …

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