Pwn2Own: Safari and IE8 go down, Chrome’s attacker a no-show
The results of the first day of the Pwn2Own contest held each year at the CanSecWest conference are the following: Safari and IE8 went down, Chrome is still unscathed due to a …
Multiple vulnerabilities in Google Chrome
Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in Google Chorme, according to Secunia. Some have an unknown impact while others can be exploited by malicious people bypass …
Chrome extension for blocking and reporting content farms to Google
It is a well-known fact that to search for a product review on Google has become almost pointless, and that the search engine is continually battling the rising number of …
Google Chrome update includes security fixes
Google Chrome 9.0.597.84 has been released to the Stable and Beta channels for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Fixes: Low Minor sandbox leak via stat(). High Use-after-free in image …
Google offers Pwn2Own contestants $20,000 for Chrome exploit
As during the previous four years, this year’s edition of the CanSecWest conference will welcome security researchers bent on trying to exploit vulnerabilities in …
Fuzzing tool discovers over 100 vulnerabilities in popular browsers
The public release of cross_fuzz – a cross-document DOM binding fuzzer that is able to detect vulnerabilities in all browsers by examining how they interact with various …
The criminal in your browser is real
Evidence is everywhere that cyber criminals exist, and they’re able to make a substantial living from their illegal activities. While it is true that many are focusing …
Firefox 3.6.13 fixes many security issues
Mozilla released Firefox 3.6.13 that fixes several security issues. Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv: Mozilla developers identified and fixed several …
Internet Explorer 9 promises protection from online tracking
Worried about third-party websites tracking your browsing history? Microsoft has a solution for you. The new version of Internet Explorer, which is due for release in early …
Chrome sandboxes Flash Player
It’s good news for Windows users – Chrome developers have added a Flash Player sandbox to the development channel of the browser, adding to the already present …
Android browser flaw allows attackers to access user data
A vulnerability in the Android browser that could allow attackers to download files stored on the mobile device’s or tablet’s SD card has been discovered by …
HTTPS Everywhere now protects against Firesheep
The EFF launched a new version of HTTPS Everywhere, a security tool that offers enhanced protection for Firefox browser users against Firesheep and other exploits of webpage …