Chrome extension for identifying insecure code
In a bid to help developers keep their websites clear of security holes, Google has built – and offered for free – a (currently experimental) Chrome extension …
Firefox 5 fixes security and improves browsing
Mozilla released Firefox 5.0 that fixes several security issues, stability issues and introduces new features. Privacy-aware users will be happy to learn that the Do-Not-Track …
Free Service helps companies keep Web browsers secure
Qualys announced BrowserCheck Business Edition, a new free service helping organizations identify and fix browser security issues. The service gives IT administrators a clear …
Google enhances Safe Browsing protection in Chrome
Google released Chrome 12 to the Stable Channel for all platforms. Chrome 12.0.742.91 includes a number of new features and updates, including: Hardware accelerated 3D CSS New …
Reveal Facebook passwords stored in Web browsers
Logins and passwords to various Web resources are routinely stored or cached in Web browsers to speed up access to protected resources. While it is possible to extract cached …
Firefox 4.0.1 fixes several security issues
Mozilla released Firefox 4.0.1 that fixes several security issues as well as stability issues. Miscellaneous memory safety hazards Mozilla developers identified and fixed …
Next Safari version will include do-not-track tool
Safari is the latest of the top four most popular browsers to receive a do-not-track privacy tool. So far, the feature is still being tested by developers, but if everything …
Google tests malicious download warning for Chrome
A new feature that is aimed at protecting Chrome users against the inadvertent download of malicious files is being rolled out by Google. “It’s easy to find sites …
Firefox 4 released
Firefox 4 is available to download for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux in more than 80 languages. Firefox 4 will also be available on Android and Maemo devices soon. Firefox 4 is …
How secure is your browser?
Qualys CTO Wolfgang Kandek talks about research which clearly shows that browser security is alarmingly bad. Browsers and plug-ins are frequently outdated and easily attacked. …
Phishing HTML attachments bypass browser detection
In the constant war that goes on between online crooks and scammers and security professionals, adaptability is a quality greatly prized by all. All of them are tied together …
Internet Explorer 9 delivers improved security
Microsoft released Internet Explorer 9 today. This release improves security, privacy and reliability. Tracking protection. Some content on websites can be used to track your …