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BH Consulting launches scholarship programme to address infosec skills gap

BH Consulting, an information security specialist company, has launched a Masters Scholarship programme to encourage talented people to enter the cybersecurity market. Under …

Learning from success: Brian Honan’s infosec journey

When Brian Honan started his information security consultancy thirteen years ago, most of his conversations were with those in charge of IT and/or IT security within an …

A guide on how to prevent ransomware

Ransomware is fast becoming a major threat to computer systems in many organisations. It is an aggressive form of attack which criminals use to infect computers and block the …

European businesses not seeking help from the security industry ahead of GDPR

European research by PAC and Reliance acsn has outlined the challenges and concerns that security professionals across Europe are facing and how they approach the serious …

15 new ransomware decryption tools added to No More Ransom

Nine months after the launch of the No More Ransom (NMR) project, an ever-growing number of law enforcement and private partners have joined the initiative, allowing more …

Like it or not, “cyber” is a shorthand for all things infosec

We have lost the cyber war. No, not that cyber war. Maybe war of words is a better way to put it. Whether we like it or not, cyber has become the default way for everyone else …

Security skills gap? What security skills gap?

After the year we’ve had, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that cybersecurity skills are heavily in demand. Breaches, attacks and incidents have never been far from the …

Ransomware: Can we finally start learning from past mistakes?

There is a phrase I am finding quite relevant lately. It is attributed to the philosopher George Santayana and it goes like this: “Those who cannot remember the past are …

Surprise? Most organizations are not cyber resilient

71 percent of UK organisations would rate their cyber resilience as low today, underlining a lack of preparedness to handle cyberattacks by the majority of UK organisations, …

Why governments need to take the lead in cybersecurity

Time and time again we hear people lament about the impact cybercrime has on our businesses, our individual lives, the economy, and on society. Report after report show the …

Why vulnerability disclosure shouldn’t be a marketing tool

There have been many arguments within the security community on how researchers should disclose the existence of a security vulnerability. Some argue that full disclosure is …

There’s no security without trust

Trust. It’s a small word but it conveys a lot. To many it is the cornerstone of security, because without trust there can be no security. To operate securely in the online …

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