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Satori variant hacks into mining rigs, steals ETH by replacing wallet address

Qihoo 360 Netlab researchers warn about a new variant of the Satori malware that apparently goes after ether (ETH) mining rigs. The malware The malware, dubbed …

IoT malware targeting zero-day vulnerabilities

Once it became evident that IoT devices can be relatively easily enslaved in botnets and that even their limited power can be used for a variety of nefarious purposes, it was …

Return of Necurs botnet brings new ransomware threat

The Necurs botnet has returned to the top ten most prevalent malware during November 2017, as cybercriminals used it to distribute a new form of ransomware, according to Check …

Will IoT botnets catapult the industry toward security regulation in 2018?

Attackers demonstrated the power of an IoT-fueled botnet in 2016 when the Mirai botnet took down major websites like Reddit, Twitter and GitHub. Despite the damages, no …

Andromeda botnet dismantled in international cyber operation

On 29 November 2017, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in close cooperation with the Luneburg Central Criminal Investigation Inspectorate in Germany, Europol’s …

Why hackers reuse malware

Software developers love to reuse code wherever possible, and hackers are no exception. While we often think of different malware strains as separate entities, the reality is …

Android malware
Millions download botnet-building malware from Google Play

Researchers have discovered a new batch of malicious apps on Google Play, some of which have been downloaded and installed on some 2.6 million devices. The apps’ …

Android explode
Tech firms band together to take down Android DDoS botnet

An ad-hoc alliance of tech firms has managed to seriously cripple an Android-based botnet that was being actively used to DDoS multiple content providers. The botnet, dubbed …

Google Chrome biohazard
Surprisingly stealthy botnet has been targeting users for years

ESET researchers have unearthed a botnet of some 500,000 infected machines engaged mostly in ad-related fraud by using malicious Chrome extensions, but also Facebook fraud and …

Bondnet botnet goes after vulnerable Windows servers

A botnet consisting of some 2,000 compromised servers has been mining cryptocurrency for its master for several months now, “earning” him around $1,000 per day. …

Malware Hunter: Find C&C servers for botnets

Recorded Future and Shodan released Malware Hunter, a specialized crawler for security researchers that explores the Internet to find computers acting as remote access trojan …

BrickerBot bricked 2 million IoT devices, its author claims

The author of BrickerBot, which “bricks” IoT devices by rewriting the flash storage space and wiping files, has emerged to explain that the malware first attempts …

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