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Realtek SDK vulnerability exploitation attempts detected (CVE-2021-35395)

Threat actors are attempting to exploit CVE-2021-35395, a group of vulnerabilities in the web interface of the Realtek SDK, to spread Mirai malware to vulnerable IoT devices. …

VPN attacks up nearly 2000% as companies embrace a hybrid workplace

Nuspire released a report which outlines new cybercriminal activity and tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) with additional insight from Recorded Future. “As companies …

Monero-mining botnet targets orgs through recent MS Exchange vulnerabilities

The recent Microsoft Exchange Server vulnerabilities might have initially been exploited by a government-backed APT group, but cybercriminals soon followed suit, using them to …

Massive increase in endpoint attacks, rising rate of encrypted malware and new exploits targeting IoT

Fileless malware and cryptominer attack rates grew by nearly 900% and 25% respectively, while unique ransomware payloads plummeted by 48% in 2020 compared to 2019, according …

Emotet takedown
International law enforcement effort pulls off Emotet botnet takedown

Law enforcement and judicial authorities worldwide have effected a global takedown of the Emotet botnet, Europol announced today. “The Emotet infrastructure essentially …

Microsoft and partners cut off key Trickbot botnet infrastructure

Two weeks after someone (allegedly the US Cyber Command) temporarily interrupted the operation of the infamous Trickbot botnet, a coalition of tech companies headed by …

Bit-and-piece DDoS attacks increased 570% in Q2 2020

Attackers shifted tactics in Q2 2020, with a 570% increase in bit-and-piece DDoS attacks compared to the same period last year, according to Nexusguard. Perpetrators used …

fileless worm
Fileless worm builds cryptomining, backdoor-planting P2P botnet

A fileless worm dubbed FritzFrog has been found roping Linux-based devices – corporate servers, routers and IoT devices – with SSH servers into a P2P botnet whose …

New wave of attacks aiming to rope home routers into IoT botnets

A Trend Micro research is warning consumers of a major new wave of attacks attempting to compromise their home routers for use in IoT botnets. The report urges users to take …

Zyxel NAS, firewalls and LILIN DVRs and IP cameras conscripted into IoT botnets

A wide variety of Zyxel and LILIN IoT devices are being conscripted into several botnets, researchers have warned. Users are advised to implement the provided firmware updates …

Cyberattackers decreased their activity at the end of 2019, but only to change tactics

Attackers know that humans are still the weakest link. Across the board, malicious cyber-activity was down partly as a result of hectic holiday schedules and vacations with …

Key security priorities for financial services: Preventing fraud and data leaks

The banking and financial services sector is struggling with a skills shortage along with the sheer volume of threats and alerts as it continues its ongoing battle against …

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