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Increase in stolen digital certificates used to sign malware

A report unearths how “trusted malware” is continuing to grow at an alarming rate. In Q2, AVG has seen an increase in the number of stolen digital certificates …

Malware activity hitting peaks of 10 million pieces per day

Virus and malware activity increased during the month of May, sporadically hitting peaks of more than 10 million pieces per day, according to AppRiver. Major news events, once …

Rustock still down, Microsoft pursues the botherders

Microsoft believes that the individuals behind the (still crippled) Rustock botnets are located in Russia, so it placed advertisements in the The Moscow News and the Delovoy …

The most active first quarter in malware history

With six million unique samples of recorded malware, Q1 2011 was the most active first quarter in malware history, according to McAfee. The report revealed many of the trends …

The resurrection of the Mariposa botnet

When the news that the Spanish police arrested the three individuals suspected of running the Mariposa botnet was made public back in March 2010, it was generally thought that …

Fake VirusTotal site serves malware

VirusTotal – the popular free file checking website – has been spoofed by malware peddlers, warns Kaspersky Lab. A simple visit to the site triggers the download …

Multiplatform Java botnet spotted in the wild

Cross-platform malware is still a rare occurrence, so when it’s detected, it usually attracts more attention than the malware engineered to affect only one particular …

FBI decimates Coreflood botnet, hints at unprecedented actions

Some two weeks have passed since the U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI have been granted by the federal court the permission to substitute the C&C servers of the …

Bredolab variant delivered by fake Facebook warning

There are over 600 millions of active Facebook users in the world, so it’s no wonder that they are often targets of a great variety of scams. The latest one is delivered …

Rise in ZIP file attachments in spam emails lead to Bredolab malware

On the 16th of March Rustock, the largest of the spamming botnets, was taken down. As you would expect, global spam levels started to drop, as can be seen when you look at the …

U.S. authorities hijack botnet by substituting C&C servers

The U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI have been granted by the federal court the permission to substitute the C&C servers of the massive Coreflood botnet with …

McAfee enhances its Network Security Platform

McAfee announced enhancements to its Network Security Platform which includes: Enhanced botnet control: File and network connection reputation feeds from cloud-based McAfee …

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