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Malicious sites increase 240%

In 2011, the most significant evolution in the threat landscape was the use of malware networks, or malnets, to launch highly dynamic Web-based attacks, according to Blue Coat …

The new and improved Kelihos botnet

As announced by Kaspersky Lab researchers and confirmed by Microsoft, the C&C and backup infrastructure of the original Kelihos/Hlux botnet is still down after their …

Active mobile botnet enslaves thousands of Android devices

A trojanized Android application for configuring phone settings has been enslaving the devices of the customers of China’s two largest mobile carriers into a botnet …

Update on the Kelihos botnet

Reports that the Kelihos botnet is back online and that its original operators are again trying to take over its reigns have been premature, says Microsoft. “Contrary to …

Kelihos botnet rises up again

Kelihos – the botnet whose operation was disrupted last September by Microsoft and Kaspersky Lab by shutting down its C&C servers and making its bots contact a …

Millions of infected Android apps… or not?

Over the weekend, several websites picked up Symantec’s story about Trojanized apps on the official Android Market. This happens from time to time, but what got …

Kelihos malware author, botnet herder named by Microsoft

Microsoft has named a new defendant in the ongoing Kelihos case. His name is Andrey N. Sabelnikov, of St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, and is believed to have written the …

Koobface botnet goes down, suspects scurry to erase tracks

As the names of the five individuals believed to be behind the Koobface botnet were revealed on Tuesday, their reaction was almost immediate and seems to validate the …

Identities of likely Koobface gang members revealed

It was a well-known fact in security circles that some researchers were involved for quite some time in an investigation aiming at revealing the identities of the individuals …

Defensive search-and-destroy “virus” delivered to Japanese government

It took three years and 178.5 million yen (around $2.3 m) to develop a defensive cyber weapon that can track down the sources of cyber attacks and disable them, but Fujitsu …

The rise of social media abuse and mobile malware

IID released its list of the top security trends from 2011. Some specific trends that IID saw emerge over the past year include the extended enterprise coming under assault, …

Mobile pickpocketing and botnets will rise

Mobile threats are on the rise — Lookout estimates that mobile threats successfully stole more than one million dollars from Android users in 2011. In 2012, Lookout predicts …

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