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Microsoft settles Nitol botnet lawsuit

Less than a month since Microsoft’s revelation that it had disrupted the functioning of the Nitol botnet by effecting a takedown of a domain ( which was also …

How to prevent a botnet infection?

The research team at e-mail security provider Eleven, published five tips today to help users prevent a botnet infection on their computer. Botnets are groups of hijacked …

Lucrative ZeroAccess botnet enslaves one million active computers

The ZeroAccess rootkit has been around for quite some time now, spying on infected users, hiding from installed AV solutions and attempting to terminate them, redirecting …

Twitter messages lead to phishing AND malware

If you have received a private message from another Twitter telling you “lol ur famous now”, have followed it to a fake Facebook page requiring you to log into …

Microsoft’s study into unsecure supply chains leads to botnet disruption

Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit has disrupted the functioning of yet another botnet by effecting a takedown of a domain which was also hosting over 500 different strains …

Botnet operators hide C&Cs in the Tor network

Over the years, botnet owners have tried out different tactics for keeping their C&C servers online, in contact with the zombie computers, and hidden from researchers and …

Arizona man goes to prison for selling access to botnets

Joshua Schichtel was sentenced to 30 months in prison for selling command-and-control access to and use of thousands of malware-infected computers. In addition to his prison …

Largest malware rise in four years

McAfee found the biggest increase in malware samples detected in the last four years. McAfee Labs detected a 1.5 million increase in malware since Q1 2012 and identified new …

Critical vulnerabilities in popular DDoS toolkit exposed

Prolexic Technologies exposed weaknesses in the command and control (C&C) architecture of the Dirt Jumper DDoS Toolkit family that could neutralize would-be attackers. …

Bot herders try to resurrect Grum, fail

As you have probably already heard, the Grum botnet – formerly the third largest in the world – has been effectively shut down last week after several security …

World’s third largest botnet receives mortal blow

Grum, a botnet responsible for 17.4 percent of the world’s spam emails, finally seems to be dead. In the last few days, Dutch authorities have shut down two of the …

Reverse Deception: Organized Cyber Threat Counter-Exploitation

Reverse Deception: Organized Cyber Threat Counter-Exploitation explains how to identify APTs, categorize them according to risk level, and prioritize your actions accordingly …

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