Cryptocurrency crime losses more than double to $4.5 billion in 2019
Cryptocurrency users, exchanges and investors suffered $4.5 billion in crypto-related losses resulting from thefts, hacks, and fraud, a CipherTrace report reveals. …

2019 experienced massive spate of crypto crimes, $4.4 billion to date
With only seven months left for nations to pass laws and virtual asset service providers (VASPs) to comply with the guidelines, the majority of cryptocurrency exchanges are …

Unlocking the future of blockchain innovation with privacy-preserving technologies
The origins of blockchain as many are familiar with it today can be traced back to the Bitcoin whitepaper, first published in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto, which offered a vision …

Thefts from cryptocurrency exchanges continue despite increased security
Although exchanges, wallets and other cryptocurrency custody services are strengthening their defenses, attackers continue to innovate and outpace even the current state of …

New blockchain system uses reputation to fend off 51 percent attacks
A blockchain system has been proposed to guarantee proper performance even when more than 51% of the system’s computing power is controlled by an attacker. The system, …

Increasing security measures are driving cybercriminals to alter their techniques
Increased security measures and awareness are driving cybercriminals to alter their techniques in search of a better return on investment (ROI). Total recorded vulnerabilities …

Cryptomining apps are on the rise, malicious apps in app stores decline
RiskIQ analyzed 120 mobile app stores and more than two billion daily scanned resources. The findings showed that taking advantage of the popularity and volatility of the …

Dig this: The future of crypto-mining botnets
The blockchain sector is now bursting with innovation, with developers looking for new, pragmatic ways to use this secure distributed ledger technology across a range of …

Cybercriminals launder money through mansions, private islands and crypto currency
Cybercriminal proceeds make up an estimated 8-10 percent of total illegal profits laundered globally, amounting to an estimated $80-$200 billion each year, according to a …

British cryptocurrency traders robbed of Bitcoin at gunpoint
Cryptocurrency heists are usually covert affairs that leave users with empty wallets, but not fearing for their life. Still, there are always some unlucky individuals who get …

Old Bitcoin transactions can come back to haunt you
A group of researchers from Qatar University and Hamad Bin Khalifa University have demonstrated how years-old Bitcoin transactions can be used to retroactively deanonymize …

Bitcoin traders beware: Fake trading bot offer delivers RAT
As the price of Bitcoin keeps hitting surprising heights, more and more cyber crooks are turning their sights on anything and anyone who trades or uses the popular …
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