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Soaring losses accelerate investments in anti-fraud tech

The pandemic has opened a Pandora’s box of global fraud. Faced with a seemingly endless onslaught of schemes and scams, anti-fraud pros have doubled down on analytics, …

Miles Hutchinson
Why identity and access management strategies need a booster

In this interview with Help Net Security, Miles Hutchinson, CISO of Jumio, talks about the pain points of identity and access management and the importance of strenghtening …

AI can spot biometric spoofing attacks with ease

Humans have far greater difficulty identifying images of biometric spoofing attacks compared to computers performing the same task, according to research released by ID …

Beware of fake tax apps pushing malware

With the self-assessment tax deadline fast approaching in the UK, self-employed individuals will be looking to take advantage of the many apps that are on the market to help …

security camera
Trends that will shape the security industry in 2022

Entering 2022, the world continues to endure the pandemic. But the security industry has, no doubt, continued to shift, adapt, and develop in spite of things. Several trends …

online shopping
How Buy Now, Pay Later is being targeted by fraudsters

Consumers are increasingly utilising Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) payment options to make online purchases. Indeed, several e-commerce companies reported huge uptakes in sales, …

Tom Wesselman
Combating identity fraud: The key is to avoid stagnation

In this interview with Help Net Security, Tom Wesselman, CTO of TeleSign, explains how to successfully combat identity fraud to not only protect an organization but its …

identity theft
Sophisticated identity document fraud increased 57% over previous year

Over the past 12 months, 47% of all identity document fraud was classed as ‘medium’ sophisticated fraud, which is a 57% increase over the previous year, an Onfido report …

Behavioral biometrics: A promising tool for enhancing public safety

While globalization has enabled easy cross-border movement and transactions, fraudulent activities have, unfortunately, followed suit. The growing demand for a multi-layered …

Organizations can save $1.9 million using workforce passwordless authentication

Secret Double Octopus and Ponemon Institute announced the results of a US-based study focused on understanding the state of workforce passwordless authentication, from …

zero trust
Four key tenets of zero trust security

As cybercrime threatens businesses of all sizes, industries and locations, organizations have realized that the status quo is no longer tenable and that implementing zero …

Biometrics emerging as the preferred identity verification option for digital consumers

Onfido announced the results of a global study with Okta which revealed that businesses have just 10 minutes to set up digital accounts or risk losing consumer trust. The …

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