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Global action targeting Shylock malware

On 8 and 9 July 2014, an alliance of law enforcement and industry undertook measures against the Internet domains and servers that form the core of an advanced cybercriminal …

Mobile banking users to exceed 1.75 billion by 2019

Over 1.75 billion mobile phone users will have used their devices for banking purposes by the end of 2019, compared to 800 million this year, according to Juniper Research. …

Estimated $3.75bn stolen by Brazil fraud ring

An estimated $3.75 billion have been netted by a single fraud ring that took advantage of a popular Brazilian payment method – the Boleto – by wielding a …

Android HijackRAT poised to hit mobile banking users

A highly versatile piece of Android malware has been unearthed by FireEye researchers. Posing as “Google Service Framework”, the malicious app is capable of …

Geodo infostealer gets help from worm

The distribution potential of the infamous Cridex infostealer (also known as Feodo or Bugat) just went up a notch, as a new version of the malware works in conjunction with a …

Banking malware sniffs out data sent over HTTPS

Careful online banking users can sometimes spot that something is amiss when malware installed on their computer pops up phishing pages or adds fields to legitimate banking …

Banking fraud campaign steals 500k euros in a week

The experts at Kaspersky Lab have discovered evidence of a targeted attack against the clients of a large European bank. According to the logs found in the server used by the …

Court decides bank is not to blame for $440k cybertheft

In many ways, small businesses are the perfect target for money hungry cyber crooks. Smaller companies are unlikely to have dedicated IT employees, making it less likely they …

There’s a new banking Trojan in town

A new piece of banking malware is being delivered via tax- and invoice-themed phishing campaigns, Danish security company CSIS is warning. Dubbed “Dyreza,” the …

Hybrid Zberp Trojan targets bank users around the world

A new threat created by the amalgamation of the publicly available code of two of the most (in)famous malware around is targeting users of over 450 financial institutions …

iBanking Android malware disguised as legitimate apps

On underground cybercrime markets, iBanking is a well-known piece of malware, and one of the most expensive ones, too. “iBanking often masquerades as legitimate social …

Researchers discover critical flaws in the Chip and PIN system

A group of researchers from Cambridge University have discovered two critical flaws in the “Chip and PIN” (EMV) smart card payment system that can be misused to …

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