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fileless worm
Fileless worm builds cryptomining, backdoor-planting P2P botnet

A fileless worm dubbed FritzFrog has been found roping Linux-based devices – corporate servers, routers and IoT devices – with SSH servers into a P2P botnet whose …

What is privacy and why does it matter?

Privacy is a basic right and a necessary protection in the digital age to avoid victimization and manipulation. In much of the world, privacy is considered a basic human …

Windows 10
Malware opens RDP backdoor into Windows systems

A new version of the Sarwent malware can open the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) port on target Windows computers to make sure that crooks can find their way back into the …

Web shell malware continues to evade many security tools

Cyber attackers are increasingly leveraging web shell malware to get persistent access to compromised networks, the US National Security Agency and the Australian Signals …

Are your MS SQL servers part of a cryptomining botnet? Check now!

For the last two years or so, attackers have been infecting and reinfecting poorly secured MS SQL servers, booting other criminals’ malware from them and exploiting …

Python backdoor attacks and how to prevent them

Python backdoor attacks are increasingly common. Iran, for example, used a MechaFlounder Python backdoor attack against Turkey last year. Scripting attacks are nearly as …

Microsoft Exchange
Researchers discover highly stealthy Microsoft Exchange backdoor

An extremely stealthy Microsoft Exchange backdoor can read, modify or block emails going through the compromised mail server and even compose and send new emails. LightNeuron …

Backdoors inevitably create vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious actors

73 percent of IT security professionals believe countries with government-mandated encryption backdoors are more susceptible to nation-state attacks. The Venafi survey on …

Mac malware
New Mac malware steals cookies, cryptocurrency and computing power

A new piece of Mac malware is looking to steal both the targets’ computing power and their cryptocurrency stash, Palo Alto Networks researchers warn. About the …

PHP PEAR supply chain attack: Backdoor added to installer

Some additional details have emerged about the recent security breach involving the PHP PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository) webserver, but much is still unknown. …

Encryption backdoors open a Pandora’s Box for cybersecurity

The amount of encrypted traffic online has grown exponentially. This growth has occurred in the wake of the Snowden revelations, as well as the continuous stream of stories …

Old and new OpenSSH backdoors threaten Linux servers

OpenSSH, a suite of networking software that allows secure communications over an unsecured network, is the most common tool for system administrators to manage rented Linux …

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