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When AI and security automation become foolish and dangerous

There is a looming fear across all industries that jobs are at risk to artificial intelligence (AI), which can perform those same jobs better and faster than humans. A recent …

McAfee aims to strengthen human-machine defense teams

“Today’s security teams are facing 244 new cyber threats every minute, amid a serious talent shortage. Siloed security, without automation, managed by overwhelmed teams is not …

artificial intelligence
Defensive AI system implements strategies from the best analysts

Champion Technology Company, developer of DarkLight, an AI expert system for active cyber defense and trusted information sharing, today released their latest technology …

gears automate
Orchestrating security across multiple environments

In an effort to help organizations centralize their intelligence and security process management, ThreatConnect has expanded its security platform’s capabilities to …

Creating the security operations center of the future with Siemplify

Security operations teams are engaged in a constant struggle to keep up with the volume of security alerts, maintain the right skills, and manage incident response processes. …

dark web mapped
Security analytics and operations are becoming more difficult

A new Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) study, which involved a survey of more than 400 IT and cybersecurity professionals, found that 72 percent feel cybersecurity analytics …

Cybersecurity analytics and operations: Need for automation and orchestration

New research from Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) shows that when it comes to the evolution of Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations, 71% of respondent organizations find it …

Behavioural profiling: Spotting the signs of cyber attacks and misuse

Behavioural profiling is increasingly recognised as a new level of protection against cyber attacks and systems abuse, offering the potential to pick out new and unknown …

Cybersecurity: To automate or not to automate?

There are seven vital automated IT security applications that will function as the stepping stones necessary to advance cybersecurity in the new world of artificial …

Can you justify your security spend?

In this podcast recorded at RSA Conference 2017, Todd Bramblett, President of Nehemiah Security, talks about why cyber risk has become such a hot topic, the importance of IT …

Software development teams embrace DevSecOps automation

Mature development organizations ensure automated security is woven into their DevOps practice, early, everywhere, and at scale, according to Sonatype. The adoption of DevOps …

hybrid IT
Hybrid IT is becoming a standard enterprise model

Dimension Data research of 1,500 IT decision makers from multiple vertical industries across the US, Europe, Asia-Pacific and South Africa, reveals that hybrid IT is becoming …

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