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Free WordPress plugin for a password-free login

Nearly 25 percent of the Internet runs on WordPress, and now these sites can be more secure thanks to a free WordPress plugin available from LaunchKey.The plugin enables …

Android 5 bug allows attackers to easily unlock password-protected devices

If you own a mobile device running any Android 5 version but the very last (v5.1.1) and you use a password to lock your device, you will want to update your OS or switch to a …

Encryption: Whose keys are they, anyway?

Over the past year, encryption has been showing up in a number of unlikely places. It started when Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt proclaimed that encrypting everything …

New Android malware could inflict $250,000 of losses

Bitdefender has uncovered CAPTCHA-bypassing Android malware, purposefully left in Google Play apps by unscrupulous developers, with the aim of subscribing thousands of users …

Protect against privileged credential attacks with zero trust

Enterprise networks – and the attacks against them – have evolved. No longer static, they are dynamic entities. And yet, IT organizations continue to use traditional security …

Unsurprisingly, most would support eliminating passwords

Password-based authentication is no longer capable of meeting the demands of modern information security, according to LaunchKey. An overwhelming 84% of respondents would …

Average financial services company uses 1,004 cloud applications

Skyhigh Networks analyzed cloud adoption in the financial services industry.The average financial services company uses 1,004 cloud services, which comes as a surprise to many …

Sound-Proof: Two-factor authentication without user interaction

Reaping all the benefits of two-factor authentication without suffering the inconvenience that is usually attached to the option is something that many users dream about …

Privileged accounts are still easy to compromise

A Thycotic survey of 201 Black Hat USA 2015 attendees found that a majority (75%) have not seen a fundamental change in the level of difficulty in compromising privileged …

Dropbox adds support for FIDO U2F secure authentication

Cloud storage giant Dropbox announced to its 400 million users that it supports FIDO U2F for strong two-factor authentication.Dropbox users can now protect their files with …

HTC phone stores fingerprints in easily accessible plaintext

Pressing a finger on your mobile phone’s fingerprint scanner has to be the easiest, most seamless way to unlock the device, and this is why more and more manufacturers …

Security challenges emerging with the rise of the personal cloud

Personal cloud is growing in importance as it shapes how employees operate across their digital lives, according to Gartner. End-user computing (EUC) and digital workplace …

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