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Passwordless authentication is here ​now​, and it is vastly superior to using a password

Mirko Zorz, Help Net Security’s Editor in Chief, recently published ​an article about the state of passwordless authentication​ that predicted a long journey before this …

Regulations are driving innovation toward an identity layer on the Internet

The security community often points to the inherent lack of an encryption layer on the Internet as a factor behind many of the related threat vectors. The decentralized nature …

How passwords paved the way for new technology

On July 15 we lost a major contributor to modern-day IT security – Dr. Fernando Corbato, the inventor of the password. Back in the early 1950s, computers could only do …

How to evaluate a password management solution for business

Password managers are one of the most powerful defenses against breaches, which can cause massive damage and be incredibly expensive to mitigate. According to the Ponemon …

identity theft
Protecting your organization against privileged identity theft

What do the top data breaches of the 21st century have in common? Privileged identity abuse. In these breach instances, well-resourced, external actors were able to gain the …

Five examples of user-centered bank fraud

In today’s digital-first world, banks and financial service companies need to allow their customers to easily manage money online in order to compete. Unfortunately, most …

Microsoft is right, mandatory password changes are obsolete

Microsoft has recently come out and said that mandatory password changing is ancient and obsolete. This goes directly against everything we were trained to think for the last …

The probability that an EV SSL certificate is associated with a bad domain is 0.013%

In 2018, phishing attacks were attempted 482.5 million times, more than doubling the number of incidents in 2017. New research conducted by the Georgia Institute of Technology …

How to secure your data as you go digital

To scale more efficiently and serve customers better, companies are moving more workloads and services to the cloud. According to IDG, 37 percent of companies are increasing …

The rise of biometrics and passwordless security

Whether you realize it or not, our current era of mobile and cloud computing can be defined, both positively and negatively, by shared secrets. Shared secrets — passwords, …

How AI can improve user experience and security for the finance industry

For the last 50 years, the fundamental and largely unchanged model for identifying and authenticating users has been based on the combination of a username and password, …

True passwordless authentication is still quite a while away

The password has been one of the great inventions in the history of computing: a solution that allowed simple and effective identity and access management when the need arose …

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