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securing Active Directory
Securing Active Directory accounts against password-based attacks

Traditional password-based security might be headed for extinction, but that moment is still far off. In the meantime, most of us need something to prevent our worst instincts …

password management
How do I select a password management solution for my business?

91 percent of people know that using the same password on multiple accounts is a security risk, yet 66 percent continue to use the same password anyway. IT security …

Five ways to maximize FIDO

Perform a quick Google search for “causes of data breaches”, and you will be inundated with reports of stolen credentials and weak passwords. Organizations can spend billions …

US Army
Army researchers awarded patent for secure comms

Army researchers have been awarded a patent for inventing a practical method for Army wireless devices to covertly authenticate and communicate. Photo by Jason Edwards …

25% of IT workers don’t enforce security policies

14% of IT workers are consumed with Identity and Access Management (IAM), spending at least an hour per day on routine IAM tasks, according to 1Password. IAM continues to be a …

Public cloud environments leave numerous paths open for exploitation

As organizations across industries rapidly deploy more assets in the public cloud with Amazon, Microsoft, and Google, they’re leaving numerous paths open for exploitation, …

Remote working security challenges urge MFA implementation

The past few years have seen an increase in employees using personal devices and systems to access work emails and company databases, and exchange valuable information with …

identity theft
New privacy-preserving SSO algorithm hides user info from third parties

Over the last few decades, as the information era has matured, it has shaped the world of cryptography and made it a varied landscape. Amongst the myriad of encoding methods …

The FBI expects a surge of mobile banking threats

The increased use of mobile banking apps due to the COVID-19 pandemic is sure to be followed by an increased prevalence of mobile banking threats: fake banking apps and …

How do industry verticals shape IAM priorities?

IAM priorities differ by industry vertical, and a one-size-fits-all approach to IAM doesn’t work when every industry and business within that industry is unique, according to …

The challenge of updating locally cached credentials

As organizations work to ensure remote workforce productivity, the issue of cached credentials will inevitably appear, causing a problem for the impacted user, and the IT …

Less than a quarter of Americans use a password manager

A large percentage of Americans currently do not take the necessary steps to protect their passwords and logins online, FICO reveals. As consumers reliance on online services …

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