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Artificial intelligence

Digital disruptors demand a new approach to IT

Digital disruptors such as algorithms, artificial intelligence (AI), bots and chatbots are already transforming businesses. Gartner expects that algorithmic business will …

Artificial intelligence in cybersecurity: Snake oil or salvation?

So what is machine learning? Machine learning in an integral part of the “umbrella term” artificial intelligence. Put simply, it is the science of enabling computers to learn …

DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge
First all-machine hacking tournament coming to Las Vegas

Long-lived critical flaws in widely deployed bedrock internet infrastructure are not rare. Analysts have estimated that, on average, such flaws go unremediated for 10 months …

US artificial intelligence market set to surge

The artificial intelligence market in the US is projected to grow at a CAGR of 75% until 2021 on account of increasing AI technology adoption, according to TechSci Research. …

The next wave of smart Data Loss Prevention solutions

Data Loss Prevention has evolved beautifully in the last few years. The measure of control that DLP now provides is extremely powerful, and helps organizations from all …

AI system predicts cyber attacks using input from human experts

Today’s security systems usually fall into one of two categories: man or machine. So-called “analyst-driven solutions” rely on rules created by human experts …

Harnessing artificial intelligence to build an army of virtual analysts

Enterprises of all types and sizes are continually probed and targeted by cyber attackers. It doesn’t matter whether they are after the company’s or their …

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