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Artificial intelligence

When AI and security automation become foolish and dangerous

There is a looming fear across all industries that jobs are at risk to artificial intelligence (AI), which can perform those same jobs better and faster than humans. A recent …

Three megatrends that will drive digital business into the next decade

Gartner revealed three distinct megatrends that will enable businesses to survive and thrive in the digital economy over the next five to 10 years. Artificial intelligence …

AI is key to speeding up threat detection and response

Time is the most important factor in detecting network breaches and, consequently, in containing cyber incidents and mitigating the cost of a breach. “Security event …

Automating the hunt for cyber attackers

In this podcast recorded at Black Hat USA 2017, Mike Banic, Vice President, Marketing, and Chris Morales, Head of Security Analytics at Vectra Networks, talk about the use of …

How enterprise IT security conversations have changed

Deutsche Telecom is one of the world’s largest telecom companies, and its corporate IT and cyber security arm T-Systems is one of the largest European IT services …

Weaponizing machine learning to improve cyber defenses

As defensive technologies based on machine learning become increasingly numerous, so will offensive ones – whether wielded by attackers or pentesters. The idea is the …

artificial intelligence
Defensive AI system implements strategies from the best analysts

Champion Technology Company, developer of DarkLight, an AI expert system for active cyber defense and trusted information sharing, today released their latest technology …

AI technologies will be in almost every new software product by 2020

Market hype and growing interest in artificial intelligence (AI) are pushing established software vendors to introduce AI into their product strategy, creating considerable …

AI can increase corporate profitability by average of 38% by 2035

Businesses that successfully apply artificial intelligence (AI) could increase profitability by an average of 38 percent by 2035, according to Accenture. The introduction of …

Evaluating artificial intelligence and machine learning-based systems for cyber security

All indicators suggest that 2017 is shaping up to be the year of artificial intelligence and machine learning technology for cyber security. As with most trends in our …

artificial intelligence
Perception and reality: The role of AI and automated cyber defenses

Executives in the U.S. and Europe now place broad trust in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning systems, designed to protect organizations from more dynamic …

In 5 years AI may replace pros in tasks within medicine, law and IT

CIOs have a major role to play in preparing businesses for the impact that artificial intelligence (AI) will have on business strategy and human employment. Gartner predicts …

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