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Artificial intelligence

PinK: A new way of implementing a key-value store in SSDs

As web services, cloud storage, and big-data services continue expanding and finding their way into our lives, the gigantic hardware infrastructures they rely on–known …

Ways AI could be used to facilitate crime over the next 15 years

Fake audio or video content has been ranked by experts as the most worrying use of artificial intelligence in terms of its potential applications for crime or terrorism, …

How to implement expedited security strategies during a crisis

Cybersecurity professionals know all too well that crises tend to breed new threats to organizational security. The current COVID-19 pandemic is evidence of this. Health …

How AI can alleviate data lifecycle risks and challenges

The volume of business data worldwide is growing at an astounding pace, with some estimates showing the figure doubling every year. Over time, every company generates and …

Integrated cloud-native security platforms can overcome limitations of traditional security products

To close security gaps caused by rapidly changing digital ecosystems, organizations must adopt an integrated cloud-native security platform that incorporates artificial …

Legenstein and Maass
Researchers develop new learning algorithm to boost AI efficiency

The high energy consumption of artificial neural networks’ learning activities is one of the biggest hurdles for the broad use of AI, especially in mobile applications. …

Businesses express concerns around ethical risks for their AI initiatives

Businesses are entering a new chapter in AI implementation where early adopters may have to work harder to preserve an edge over their industry peers, according to Deloitte. …

New technique keeps your online photos safe from facial recognition algorithms

In one second, the human eye can only scan through a few photographs. Computers, on the other hand, are capable of performing billions of calculations in the same amount of …

Key cybersecurity industry challenges in the next five years

What key challenges will the cybersecurity industry be dealing with in the next five years? Pete Herzog, Managing Director at ISECOM, is so sure that artificial intelligence …

Does analyzing employee emails run afoul of the GDPR?

A desire to remain compliant with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other privacy laws has made HR leaders wary of any new technology that …

Study of global hackers and the economics of security research

Human ingenuity supported by actionable intelligence were found to be critical ingredients to maintaining a resilient infrastructure, Bugcrowd reveals. In fact, 78% of hackers …

There is a direct correlation between AI adoption and superior business outcomes

Adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) is growing worldwide, according to an IDC survey of more than 2,000 IT and line of business (LoB) decision makers. Over a quarter of …

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