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Hackers impersonate women online to get into target corporate networks

By all (online) accounts, Mia Ash was a pretty and successful photographer based in London, and she was looking for friendship and love on the Internet. Her LinkedIn account …

Review: Advanced Persistent Security

About the authors Ira Winkler, CISSP is President of the Internet Security Advisors Group. He is considered one of the world’s most influential security professionals. Araceli …

Backdoored Firefox extension checks Instagram for C&C info

Turla, an APT cyberespionage group that has been targeting corporations, intelligence and other government agencies for years, is using a malicious Firefox extension to …

Malware framework using legitimate utilities lobbed at government agencies

Bitdefender researchers have unearthed a previously unknown malware framework that, unlike those used by most APTs, contains many legitimate utilities. Dubbed Netrepser, the …

Turla gets ready to target Mac users

The cyber espionage group deploying the Turla (aka Snake, Uroburos, or Agent.BTZ) malware framework is expected to be able to target Mac users soon. The APT group The group, …

Pawn Storm raced to pop many targets before Windows zero-day patch release

As promised, Microsoft provided this Tuesday a patch for the Windows zero-day (CVE-2016-7855) actively exploited by the Strontium (aka Pawn Storm) cyber espionage hacking …

Latest Windows zero-day exploited by DNC hackers

Due to Google’s public release of information about an actively exploited Windows zero-day, Microsoft was forced to offer its own view of things and more information …

Juniper Networks
Espionage group uses cybersecurity conference invite as a lure

A cyber espionage group that has been targeting organizations in Southeast Asia for years is misusing a legitimate conference invite as a phishing lure to trigger the download …

Can Big Data analytics strengthen your security posture?

The Ponemon Institute released the results of its first report focused on how big data analytics are being used by organizations to strengthen cybersecurity postures. Their …

Top-level cyber espionage group uncovered after years of stealthy attacks

Symantec and Kaspersky Lab researchers have uncovered another espionage group that is likely backed by a nation-state. The former have dubbed the threat actor Strider, wile …

Remote Butler attack: APT groups’ dream come true

Microsoft security researchers have come up with an extension of the “Evil Maid” attack that allows attackers to bypass local Windows authentication to defeat full …

Russian hackers spied on US Democrats’ chats and emails for a year

Two separate hacker groups have breached the servers and compromised the computer network of the US Democratic National Committee (DNC), and have been reading emails, chats, …

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