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Microsoft disrupts malware networks and APT operations

Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit struck again, and was allowed to seize 23 free domain names in an effort to strike a fatal blow to malware delivery networks run by a …

What’s next: Advanced Evasion Techniques

Advanced evasion techniques, or AETs, are delivery mechanisms used to disguise advanced persistent threats (APTs) and permit them to slip through network security undetected. …

Is your data already out there?

CIOs cannot underestimate the creativity of online organized criminals to quietly penetrate their IT systems through a growing area of vulnerability: employees and vendors, …

Why Anonymous threats should not be ignored

International hacktivist group Anonymous is causing fear within the business and technology community once again, after a supposed Anonymous spokesperson warned that World Cup …

Recently patched IE 0-day abused in APT attacks

When Microsoft issued an out-of-band security update to patch the zero day Internet Explorer vulnerability on May 1, it was revealed by researchers from security company …

Security analytics solution identifies attacks in historic data

Arbor Networks is showcasing at Infosecurity Europe 2014 its Pravail Security Analytics, whose unique looping capability can be used to identify and establish an attack …

300% growth in enterprise attacks across UK and Ireland

At Infosecurity Europe 2014, FireEye announced the release of its Regional Advanced Threat Report for the United Kingdom and Ireland (UKI). Detailing malicious activities …

Airbus Group debuts SCADA research project to mitigate ICS vulnerabilities

Airbus Group will highlight this week at Infosecurity Europe 2014 its range of technologies, services and a cutting edge research project to help governments and industry deal …

Fortinet unveils FortiOS 5.2 to fight APTs

Fortinet unveiled a major update to the FortiOS network security operating system that powers the FortiGate platform at Infosecurity Europe 2014. This release incorporates …

Webroot delivers APT protection for enterprises

Webroot announced the release of BrightCloud Security Services and BreachLogic Endpoint Agent, two cloud-based security offerings designed to help enterprises address the …

McAfee expands Comprehensive Threat Protection

At the RSA Conference, McAfee announced expanded capabilities to find, freeze, and fix advanced threats faster to win the fight against advanced and evasive targeted attacks. …

Top ten points in the fight against cybercrime

At a summit of regulators and intelligence chiefs yesterday, the business secretary, Vince Cable, issued a timely warning to all in attendance of the vulnerability of …

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