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NIST crowdsourcing challenge aims to de-identify public data sets to protect individual privacy

NIST has launched a crowdsourcing challenge to spur new methods to ensure that important public safety data sets can be de-identified to protect individual privacy. The …

Challenges and drivers influencing container infrastructure backup and recovery

As containers continue to rise in popularity, organizations need to understand that they are uniquely designed and consequently require a specialized data protection strategy. …

Few security pros believe their organizations have reached full DevSecOps maturity

20% of security professionals described their organizations’ DevSecOps practices as “mature”, while 62% said they are improving practices and 18% as “immature”, a WhiteSource …

85% of COVID-19 tracking apps leak data

71% of healthcare and medical apps have at least one serious vulnerability that could lead to a breach of medical data, according to Intertrust. The report investigated 100 …

Most AppSec pros see a growing divide between them and developers

75% of AppSec practitioners and 49% of developers believe there is a cultural divide between their respective teams, according to ZeroNorth. As digital transformation takes …

Organizations knowingly ship vulnerable code despite using AppSec tools

Nearly half of organizations regularly and knowingly ship vulnerable code despite using AppSec tools, according to Veracode. Among the top reasons cited for pushing vulnerable …

Facebook tools
Facebook open-sources a static analyzer for Python code

Need a tool to check your Python-based applications for security issues? Facebook has open-sourced Pysa (Python Static Analyzer), a tool that looks at how data flows through …

Most COVID-19 contact-tracing apps are not adequately secured

Security researchers have analyzed contact-tracing mobile apps from around the globe and found that their developers have generally failed to implement suitable security and …

Application threats and security trends you need to know about

Applications are a gateway to valuable data, so it’s no wonder they are one of attackers’ preferred targets. And since modern applications aren’t a …

video call
Which video call apps should you use if you care about privacy?

To help individuals and organizations choose video call apps that suit their needs and their risk appetite, Mozilla has released a new “Privacy Not Included” …

Application security: Getting it right, from the start

Security testing data is “the unsung hero” of securing application development. It’s the backbone of application development quality, compliance and risk management, and rests …

Happy developers more likely to build secure apps

There’s an intrinsic link between developer happiness and application security hygiene, and an alarming level of application breaches, according to Sonatype. For the …

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