Apple tackles the XcodeGhost crisis by removing apps, alerting devs and users
“The XcodeGhost incident has demonstrated that however secure a system is thought to be, there’s always a way in. It also shows how the very human tendency of …
Exploit broker offers $1 million for reliable iOS 9 exploit
Here’s a treat for hackers and security researchers who don’t mind selling information about zero-day vulnerabilities to the highest bidder: Zerodium, the zero-day …
Reactions to the XcodeGhost malware infecting iOS apps
“Unknown malware pushers have managed to trick Apple into offering for download from the company’s official App Store a considerable number of malicious apps. Here …
Number of XcodeGhost-infected iOS apps rises
“As the list of apps infected with the XcodeGhost malware keeps expanding, Apple, Amazon and Baidu are doing their best to purge their online properties of affected …
Millions of iOS users endangered by Trojanized apps from the App Store
“Unknown malware pushers have managed to trick Apple into offering for download from the company’s official App Store a considerable number of malicious apps …
iOS 9 partially fixes critical, easily exploitable AirDrop bug
Apple has released iOS 9. Along with many new and improved security and privacy features, fixes for a bucketload of security vulnerabilities have been included in this latest …
Apple complicates app sideloading in iOS 9 for increased security
Making things easier for users is generally a good idea, but sometimes complicating a process could lead to increased security, and should be the preferred option.A blog post …
Half of iPhones on corporate networks run outdated iOS versions
Unpatched and end-of-life devices that are no longer supported by the manufacturer are much more prevalent than expected and create significant risk for corporate networks.Duo …
Adware installer gives itself permission to access Mac users’ keychain
“Malwarebytes researcher Adam Thomas has made an interesting discovery: an adware installer created by Genieo, a well-known distributor of unwanted software, is taking …
Over 225,000 Apple accounts compromised via iOS malware
“Researchers from Palo Alto Networks and China-based WeipTech have unearthed a scheme that resulted in the largest known Apple account theft caused by malware. All in …
Unmanaged Apple devices are a liability for corporations
While people widely use Apple devices for work, lack of security and management of those devices exposes companies to significant liabilities, according to a new survey by …
Researcher releases exploit for OS X 0-day that gives root access
Italian security researcher Luca Todesco has published PoC exploit code for a newly discovered zero-day privilege escalation flaw affecting OS X Yosemite (v10.10) and …