Google Android security tool found repackaged with malware
In a what should actually not be a wholly unexpected turn of events, the Android Market security update – pushed to Android users whose devices where affected by one or …
Google removes malicious Android apps with kill switch
After last week’s discovery of some 50+ malicious applications on the official Android Marketplace, Google has removed them as soon as they became aware of their …
Rootcager Trojan found on the official Android market
Free Android applications bundled up with malware have spilled over into the official Android marketplace. According to Symantec, the malware in question can root the phone, …
A Trojan-Clicker for Android spotted
A new Android Trojan – dubbed HongTouTou or ADRD – has been spotted targeting Chinese-speaking users. Repackaged with popular Android applications and games, it is …
Company wants to bundle spying app in legitimate Android game
How can one deliver spyware to a large number of unsuspecting users? The right answer to that question is – unfortunately – not a unique one, but among the methods …
Researcher offers free voice and text encryption app to Egyptians
The explosive situation in Egypt has mobilized many repression-hating individuals in the world to try to do something to support the country’s citizens in their efforts …
Security service for Android and Symbian
The new version of F-Secure’s Protection Service for Mobile (PSM 7) enables operators to offer protection and parental control for their customers’ mobile devices. …
Mobile application security in the cloud
Rapid adoption of mobile devices and mobile apps as a critical part of an enterprise IT strategy has created a significant and unbounded security risk. Challenged to implement …
HTC Twitter client security issue
A security issue exists in multiple HTC products and can be exploited by malicious people to disclose potentially sensitive information, according to Secunia. The security …
Mobile security platform for Android, iPhone and iPad
Sophos announced Mobile Control, an extension to its data protection and endpoint security product lines. A steady surge in smartphone adoption poses a new set of challenges …
The dark side of the new Android Market
A new version of the Android Market has just been launched, making it possible for every device owner to look for applications, buy or even remotely install apps to an Android …
Android malware records and steals credit card numbers from phone conversations
We often blame users for failing to deny permissions required by malicious applications on Facebook or various mobile platforms, but the truth is that the list of permissions …