Parental control software for smartphones
Code9 Mobile launched Code9 Mobile, a smartphone application that enables families to establish acceptable cell phone usage rules so kids learn to use their mobile devices in …
SMS spying Android Trojan triggered by keywords
Another week, another trojanized Android app. And, according to Trend Micro researchers, this one has a functionality that differentiates it from similar previous ones: it …
Drive-by attacks targeting smartphones are in our future
A new study that has analyzed the behavior of 10,000 applications downloaded from the Android Market, shows that many mobile applications leak personal information and that …
Call-recording Trojan is actually unethical app
The recently discovered Android Trojan that records actual phone conversations seems to represent a lesser danger than previously thought. For one thing, it isn’t hidden …
Mobile threats soared in past six months
Mobile malware has increased significantly, and Android users are two-and-a-half times as likely to encounter malware today than just six months ago, says Lookout. Based on …
Mobile banking security for Android
Webroot has announced it is extending mobile security applications to its partners in banking in order to protect their customers who use tablets and smartphones to conduct …
Conversation-spying Android Trojan in the wild
Android malware has so far been spotted doing things like sending text messages or making calls to premium service numbers, sending out information about the device and …
Android malware trends
Could it be that 2011 is the year when the long-standing predictions about the rise of mobile malware come true? Symantec’s Irfan Asrar thinks that there are definite …
Analyzing and dissecting Android applications for security defects and vulnerabilities
In March 2011, 58 malicious applications were found in the Android Market. Before Google could remove the applications from the Android Market they were downloaded to around …
iOS and Android more secure than PCs?
While the most popular mobile platforms in use today were designed with security in mind, these provisions are not always sufficient to protect sensitive enterprise assets …
Spammers push cloned apps on Android Market
No stone is left unturned, no option unexplored when it comes to online spamming, and the latest approach has shown that malware authors are not the only ones who have taken …
Android URL Filtering SDK: Secure Web browsing and compliance
Commtouch announced GlobalView URL Filtering for Mobile, which enables real-time protection for mobile device users browsing the Web. GlobalView URL Filtering is comprised of …